Chapter four

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~~Two Years Later~~
"Happy Birthday Max" Winter yelled when she jumped on to his bed. It was spring break and Winter was staying with Max and his pack for the two weeks they had on break. "Thank You" he said still half asleep.
"Come on to the dining hall" she yelled. She didn't wait for his answer as she dragged him out of bed, down the many stairs and in to the dining hall. "Slow down Storms" he yelled.
"Ok we're here anyway" she said as she pushed him ahead of her into the dining hall.
"Surprise" the pack yelled at him.
"Thank you guys"
"Go ahead blow out your candles make a wish" Winter said.
"Hold on Winter slow down I know you want cake but we have to sing Happy Birthday first" Luna Paige said to her.
"Fine" she huffed and went and stood back beside Max. She sat there patiently waiting for Max to blow out the candles and patiently waited for her piece of cake. When she finally did she devoured it in one second and asked for another piece. The Luna handed her another slice and told her to go sit down. She took her slice and went and sat with Max, who was talking with some of the other kids.
"Hey guys" she said as she sat beside Max.
"Hey Winter" they said in unison.
"Wanna play with some of the new toys Max just got with us" a little girl named Olivia asked.
"Yea sure, can Christie come play to?" Winter asked.
"Yea sure " Olivia answered.
Winter motioned Christie over and they all played together for the rest of the evening.
~~ The next Day ~~
"So where are we going" Winter asked Max.
"Going to the park, they put in some new swings, and I wanted to check them out"
"That sounds fun"
"Daniel are we almost there" Winter asked.
"Yes darling five more minutes" was his reply.
~~five minutes later~~
As soon as they pulled up to the park Max and Winter shot out of the car and straight to the new swings. Daniel watched them from a distance. He scanned the area occasionally to make sure no one was lurking around. Hours had passed by before Winter and Max were even remotely tired. Daniel buckled them both in and in no time the two were out like a light. Daniel enjoyed the peace and quiet while driving it was easier for him to focus on the road, but what came next not even the best driver would have been prepared for. A car came up really fast from behind him and rammed him in the back and lurched them forward cause Max and Winter to awake from the sleep. Daniel pulled the emergency break and the car came to a screeching stop. Daniel looked back to check on Max and Winter who were clingy to each other for dear life. He could clearly see the terror in their eyes. Before he could start the car up again and car rammed into the side and their car flipped several times and when it finally stopped the car was on it's top. Winter was smushed against Max and in the front seat sat a limp Daniel.
"Are you ok?" Max asked Winter.
"Yes I'm fine" she replied.
"Daniel are you ok, Daniel were stuck and we need help" Winter called to him. She got no reply back.
"What do we do" Winter asked turning to look at Max.
"I'm scared Max"
"I know, you be scared, I'll be strong for us".
They sat there for a few minutes until they heard a twig break and saw footsteps approaching the car.
"Someone's coming" whispered Winter to Max who was starting to loose conscience. They started screaming for help as loud as their little lungs would let them. All the heard was a deep voice saying "I'm not here to help you, I won't what you have, you don't have it quiet yet but this is just a warning to your parents, I'm coming for your throne princess so you better watch your back" as he finishes his sentences he plunged a knife that went through Winters skin and into Maxes. He pulled the knife out left a note and walked away.
"Alpha, Luna"
"I received a distress call from the princess through mind link I don't know how she did it but she said help I think something very bad has happened because when I went to mind link her back it had been... "
Before he could finish his sentence Gamma Johnson ran in and said there's been an accident. The Alpha and Luna took off along with the pack doctor to the wreck. They called The King and Queen and told them what happened and to meet them at the wreckage sight. It took the King and Queen a few minutes to get there seeing as the broke every law to get there as fast as they could. Why haven't you gotten them out yet. The car was laced with silver so we can't touch it, we have no way of getting in there. The kids are badly injured we can smell their blood and Daniel isn't responding to us. The king and Queen looked at each other and knew what had to be done.
"Winter baby can you hear us"
Weakly and barely above a whisper Winter replies with a yes.
"We need you to use your powers honey to blow the bottom off the car or we can't help you guys" The Queen said to her daughter.
"Mommy I can't, I'm can't"
"Yes you can baby, me and your daddy believe in you, if you want to save your mate and Daniel you need to do this for them"
"Ok mommy"
"Everyone Stand back"
The car began to shake and the bottom of the car began to glow a bright color till it blew off and a distance away. They were then able to reach inside and pull Max, Winter and Daniel out of the car. Winter was now unconscious because what she did had drained her and she couldn't go on anymore.
"Alpha Stevens"
"Yes Gamma Johnson "
"Found this inside the car"
Alpha Johnson his wife and the king and Queen read the note while the pack doctor attended to their children and Daniel.
"Oh my, he wants my baby, he wants her happiness" the Queen cried into her mates arms.
"He won't do anything to her, I won't let it"
"Umm Alpha, Luna, King,Queen you may want to come over here" the pack doctor said to them. They walked over to where the pack doctor stood showing them the huge scar that was now half way around Winters body and Max's.
"Whatever cut into them was laced with silver these scars will be on their body forever, one more thing Princess Winters hair has turned completely white"
They didn't have a reaction they just sat their stunned at the fact that their babies bodies had been scarred forever.
"I think they should spend some time apart, Until this situation is resolved it's best if they are kept apart for their own safety" the king said to Alpha Stevens.
"Your right that would be for the best, but their mates their gonna need each other one day, yes and when the time comes then what"
"Then we let them be together, he will be old enough to protect her and she will be able to protect him"
"We will keep her room exactly how it is, no one will stay in that room"
"Let it serve as a remembrance for him until she comes back"
With that being said the king picked up his daughter up who was still unconscious, they all said their goodbyes and then they went their separate ways.

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