Chapter Seven

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~~Three years later~~ (Winters POV)
We had been hiding in this house for three years now. I had celebrated three birthdays here, without my father, my mother or mate. My mother was here in spirit, my father was still looking for that man so I can come home, and my mate well he is just beyond the river. We lived not that far away from each other but I had been forbidden to ever visit the Red Moon Pack by Brock and Anthony. They said it was to dangerous, but how do I just sit here knowing that the one person who can truly make me happy is not even a mile away. My best friend is over there to. I still have my mirror that allows me to see them but it's not the same it doesn't give me what I want. I check in from time to time but every time I check in on Christie she's always in the infirmary. I know someone's beating her and it kills me that I can't get over there to help her. Today's my mates 13 birthday the day he is supposed to shift. I promised him that I would be there he probably doesn't remember that I did we were both young. Even if he doesn't remember Ive still got to be there a promise is a promise no matter when it was made.
-- (3rd person pic)--
"Brock, Anthony can I speak with you guys for a moment?" Winter asked them.
"Of course" Brock said as he cut off the tv.
"So what's up" Anthony asked her.
"Well I made a promise when I was five to Max that when he shifted I would be there for him and well today he is supposed to shift and I want to keep my promise so can I go please and then come right back?" Winter asked them.
Anthony and Brock looked at one another and Brock shook his head. "Honey sit down we have something we need to tell you" Anthony said motioning to the spot in between them.
"What" she said sitting on the coffee table instead.
"Max believes that you deserted him, he doesn't know that you have white hair now instead of your brown. He wouldn't recognize you now and he's falling down a bad bath, we saw him the other day in town and he's only hanging around the upper levels in his pack, he's not the same kid you remember"
Winter stood up in disbelief at what they've said.
"So what your telling me is that my mate doesn't remember who I am"
"No not at all, he knows you but he's put you into the back of his mind, he's suppressed the memory of you so he doesn't have to be sad anymore" Brock said to her.
"I don't care, I made a promise and I'm keeping it" she said and ran upstairs to her room.
~~later that same day~~
"Max honey it's time" his mother said to him.
"I know mom, I'm ready" Max replied.
" You remember what we told you son right?" his father asked him.
"Yes, I go into the clearing and sit there in the position you told me to that would be most comfortable for me to shift and I have to accept my wolf as one for it to be fast" he replied.
"Good job we will all be waiting for you when you come out to see your wolf, good luck honey" his mom said kissing his forehead. He waved goodbye and walked into the forest.
-- (Max's POV) --
As I walked into the forest towards the clearing where my mother and father directed me to I couldn't shake the feeling that somebody was watching me. I finally made It too the clearing and sat down the way I was told to. It took a few minutes before I could feel my first bone breaking and then after that they all started breaking directly after the other. My body felt like it was on fire. I could hear twigs breaking and someone walking towards me but I was in so much pain that I knew I wouldn't be able to defend myself. To my surprise this person was a girl and didn't hurt me she sat down and placed my head in her lap. I could hear her talking to me and saying
"It's ok I'm here to help you, you helped me now I'm here to help you, I promised I would help you and I didn't want to break that promise". I trusted this girl, I didn't know her but I trusted her. She stayed with me and whispered comforting words in my ear till my last bone broke and my wolf head was in her lap and not my own. She scooted out from underneath me and helped me up. She kissed the top of my wolfs head said I love you then ran off. I didn't get to see her face but the last thing I saw of her was her white hair bouncing as she ran off deeper into the woods.
---( Winters POV)---
I watched as Max's beautiful black wolf ran off to where his parents I knew would be waiting for him. I started to walk back towards my house were I knew Brock and Anthony would be waiting for me with a lecture of not leaving the house and jeopardizing my well being, but at this point in time I didn't care I got to help my mate like he helped me.

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