H A M M O C K .

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Okay, explanation before reading the poem..

This poem is actually about a couple whose baby was kidnapped. They paid the ransom which cost them their entire savings, leaving them with only a hammock for when their baby is returned to them. But the kidnappers never played their part of the deal and did not return the couple's baby. The devastated couple looks at the empty hammock and realize they've just lost everything, their entire fortune, their beloved baby.. their minds. Desperate to put a baby in the only thing they owned, the hammock, the crazed couple kidnaps someone else's baby and places the baby in their hammock. Ergo the poem..


Tick Tock, Tick Tock

There's a baby

in the hammock.

Drip Drop, Drip Drop

Baby's crying

Take out the mop

Flip Flop, Flip Flop

He's a-coming

A Cop! A Cop!

Bing Bang, Bing Bang

She falls, He falls

Death's Bell has rang

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

No more baby

in the hammock.


Thanks for reading, Do tell me what you think :)

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