Transformers Prime

Start from the beginning

"Fine. But it won't make a difference."

"Rebecca, you must never give up on hope when it is still out there. You will do better in school soon." His reassuring voice spoke.

"With all do respect, Optimus, I don't think your 'wise advice' can help on how many Pi digits I'll have to memorize until next Thursday," Becky rolled her eyes.

"You can never be too careful."

Becky, suddenly curious, looks at the steering wheel, picturing her guardians face. "So, why'd you pick me up from school today?"

At first, he's quiet. Then...

"Um, I was starting to see how much of a...terrible guardian I am-"

"Don't worry about it." Becky spoke quickly, frowning and looking the window. She didn't want to talk about it.

"-I suppose it is the curse of a Prime-!"

"A 'busy' Prime." Becky mumbled to herself glumly.

"Maybe I should have Bulkhead be your guardian, after all the times you've spent with him and Miko..."

"No!" Becky yelled with worry in her eyes. "Bulkhead and Miko...sure I love them a lot, but they like hard metal and LOUD speakers. Sure, I love they're taste of monster trucks and maybe a few wrestling matches, but..."

She pats the front dashboard gently with a kind smile. "You're stuck with me, Prime. Whether you like it or not."

Optimus didn't speak, and Becky wished she could see the look on his face. Weather it was disappointment or relief. Optimus Prime is just a hard book to read.

But Becky...she's easy to read. And she can also read others expressions...

So she's really frustrated that she can't read Optimus.


Prime and Becky come rolling down the tunnel of their base and at the end, Becky got out so Optimus transformed into his normal, Cybertronian state. He looked down at his human friend.

"Should you start studying?"

"My brain doesn't work that way, Optimus." Becky spoke calmly up at her guardian like a normal teen, "I'm right-brained, remember?"

"Right- what?" Jack asked, looking up from his homework.

"'Right-brained' is just another word for very creative people who can't think much on logic." Raf said, not looking up from his textbook, "Like A.D.D, but not sure if Becky has it."

"I feel like I do," Becky shrugged.

"Maybe you should focus more on your grades..." Optimus gave Becky a warning look.

"Listen to you, you sound like my father!" Becky rolled her eyes.

"The father that just put himself back in prison?" Jack teased as he and Raf sat at the table, studying.

Becky shrugs. "Alright, so his way of trying to earn money isn't and professional, but he IS my father. Not to mention he's only going in the cooler for a week, then he'll be home again. And even if he acts tough, he's still the father that worries about his daughter's grades, her college funds, the guys she dates..."

"What" Ratchet asked as his optics paid close attention to the screen of his scanners, not looking up.

Jack and Becky exchange glances with shocked looks and then look back up at Ratchet and Optimus. Suddenly, they both start laughing.

Optimus and Ratchet exchange confused glances before the medic autobot turns back to the screen.

"Humph. Humans." He mumbles rudely and continues working.

Becky gasped between laughs, "I don't think I'm going to answer that..."

"Me neither!" Jack wiped a tear away between laughs, clutching his stomach.

Soon, the teenagers calm down and sit next to Raf, studying for school.

After some time, the sound of Hard Metal and Rock & Roll music came down from the tunnel, grabbing everyone's attention. The bulky green Hummer comes speeding through, drifting as it reaches the end of the tunnel, creating smoke. When it parks, the loud music stops and Miko comes out the passenger seat. As soon as she got out, Bulkhead transformed into his robot alien state. Miko formed a peace out sign with her hands as she looked up at Bulk.

"Rock on!!" She screamed happily.

"We'll go even FASTER and LOUDER tomorrow!" Bulkhead chuckled loudly.

"Joy..." Becky spoke sarcastically.

"Boop! Bweep!" Bumblebee agreed.

"Ah, you're just jealous that YOUR autobot guardian doesn't even HAVE rock and roll on his radio!" Miko smirked at Becky.

"Hey, I'm alright with Country." Becky grinned and she looked back down at her homework, pencil in hand and her long brown hair trailing over her shoulder.

Miko gulped, stumbling a bit like what Becky just said was poison. She pales as if Becky stabbed her. "C-Country?"

Bulkhead gags. "The horror!"

Becky giggled. "But Pop music suits me better."

"Phew." Miko wiped her forehead. "You gave me a mini heart attack for a second."

Becky then checked her watch. "Speaking of's 5:00 pm."

"Yes!!" Miko cheered and brings out her electric guitar.

Becky, rather wanting to do the terrible band practice then the homework, slams her textbook shut and swings her legs off her seat, taking out her acoustic guitar.

"That's not electric!" Miko squealed in horror at the sight of it.

"No," Becky shrugged. "But it's better than Jack using the harmonica."

Miko, seeing her friend's point, lets it slide. Becky hands the guitar to Jack, who nervously takes it. Becky then looks to Raf.

"Come on, Raf!" She smiles.

"Can't. I have a big test coming up." the nerdy kid with spiky hair and glasses spoke.

"So do we. You don't see us doing scrap." Becky smirked and handed Raf his keyboard and, much to Ratchet's dislike, they began to practice, with Becky as the lead singer.

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