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I ran down the streets of Hargeon as fast as I could. My legs ached and drenched blood over my clothes, but I couldn't stop running, no matter what pain I was feeling. Eventually, I ducked into an alleyway, pressing my back against the brick wall. I held my hands over my mouth, breathing heavily and my tears falling. I could hear Zachary and Homer running down the street. They stopped only a few feet away from me. I could see the back of their heads as they snapped at one another. Zachary eventually pushed Homer down the street. They ran off. I pulled my hands off of my mouth, heart beating. I released one sigh before running deeper down the alleyway.

It was like a maze and the further I went, the colder it became. Once about an hour in, I was shivering, teeth chattering, face laced with frost. My hands were frozen, wrapped around my arms and my thighs were sturdy. This made my walking slower and less balanced. I fell over a garbage can, spraining my ankle. Instantly, a door beside me swung open to reveal an old man. He has baby blue hair and eyes. Scales traced his cheeks. His skin was as white as snow. He wore a large, fur coat. The fur was white, maybe snow rabbit.

"A child," The old man said. He walked down from the steps, the pitch black cane in his hand clicking on the ground. The door shut by itself behind the man. He kneeled over, caressing my face. I was too cold to pull away, my reflexes were messed up. If I moved, it would be seconds after the man removed his hand. "What is a little girl such as yourself doing alone here?"

I couldn't stay awake. I let out a low, sallow breathe before resting my face on the cobblestone. My hands went limp and everything went black. The only thing I could feel was a cold, but also warm, sensation on my shoulders and then the front of my body.

When I woke up, I was dressed in warm clothes. A black long sleeved shirt, fur pants with a soft inside, a fur coat with the same soft inside, and winter boots. A fire crackled beside me. Sitting on a wood log in front of the fire was the old man. He stared at nothing but the wall above me. I could feel bandages wrapped around my legs. Where my bloody wounds had once been. My hands were bandaged too. They were very warm, no traces of frostbite.

I silently sat up and stepped off the bed I was resting on. I sat down on the ground in front of the man. I took the chance to look around the place I was in. A cave, a large cave with icicles. The floor and walls were ice. Far away from where I was sitting was a large gap to show a snowy horizon. A large blizzard roared outside, but not a single speck of snow entered the cave.

"A magical wall. It blocks the elements from entering unless I allow it. People can pass through it, but I can keep certain people from coming in and certain people from walking out. I never let heat in when it is Summer, it would melt the home I have claimed for myself." I turned my head to look at the man. His face was blank, but he now stared at the snowy plain. "Eat child," The man handed me a bowl filled with warm soup.

I tossed the spoon to the side and drank the soup. It was bliss against my sore and freezing throat. When I was finished, I had never felt more satisfied with a meal. The man didn't react, he simply took the bowl from me then handed me a second bowl, no spoon this time. I repeated the action, but slower and took time to catch breaks. "Thank you, Sir," I whispered once I finished my second bowl.

The old man shook his head. "I was going to leave you, Child, but I had a meet with my mind. I realized I could not leave such a young girl alone for men to ravish on. I am no saint, please keep that in mind, Child. This stay of yours is not from the good of heart. I am a sinner, please remember that." I looked around nervously. Nothing screamed sin to me. "Internally, Child, not externally. Now, tell me your story and I will tell you mine."

I set the bowl aside, placing it inside the first one. I crossed my legs before beginning my story. It was a long one, but the old man listened to every word, a blank expression on his face as I went on. When I finished, he didn't ask questions. He merely started his own explanation. His name was Frost, he was an ice wizard who lived alone. He studied lost magic called Dragon Slayer Magic.

"However, I am not a mere trainee of a Dragon," Frost said. I gave him a questioning look. My eyebrow was raised as I stared at Frostle. He stood up and motioned for me to follow him. I did. We walked down the cave into a larger area. There was no ceiling, just a large gap showing the sky. Surrounding me were many piles of treasure and paintings. "Stand back, Child." Frost pushed me back. I did as he said. I watched as Frost began to glow. The light became so bright that I couldn't see. When the light cleared, a large Dragon sat in front of me.

The Dragon was shaped like a Sea Seaprant, but it was 10 Times larger than normal. Dark and light blue scales covered the Dragon's body. Large wings were on it's back and long, but very twisted white horns stuck out on its head. The Dragon's eyes were arctic blue. The belly was white with layers of snow and ice.

The Dragon spread his wings and roared. The room shook but I didn't cover my ears. When the Dragon was done, he closed his wings. "You see, Child. I am not human, but a Dragon Hybrid." Frost said. He curled his body to make somewhat eye contact with me. "Are you not scared, Child?" I shook my head slowly. Frost seemed a bit shocked, but it quickly went away. "You amuse me, Child, I will keep you with me. You have no home and no magic. I will grant you both of those privileges. Er, how old are you?"

"Seven years old," I answered instantly. Frost clicked his tongue. "Can I not learn magic unless I am older?" I asked. Even though I never thought about having magic, the sudden thought of not being able to learn it when I could learn it was absolutely devastating.

Frost shook his head no. "It's just that you will be stuck on this mountain with me for seven years. Are you willing to stay with me for seven years, Child? To give up the childhood you could have to learn my magic. You already know I will not treat you as an actual parent. I hope you are aware that training will not be easy."

I didn't want a childhood. I had already lost the chance at I normal one. I rested my hand on Frost's foot. "Please, I want to stay with you, Frost. I know you won't treat me as your own, but I want to stay here. I want to learn magic. I want to be strong."

'I want to be strong like him.'

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