No. 2

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     Jesse McCree was having rather a lot of fun with his current mission. Which... wasn't exactly a mission, but more of a heist that he could do without getting into serious trouble. There was a warning of a robbery nearby, and Jesse was on the scene immediately. He wanted some action badly, and wasn't getting any recently. Those bastards don't know what's coming. He thought, smirking as he sneaked into the scene rather ungracefully.

     The robbers were a part of some puny gang, trying to make a name of themselves. Jesse laughed when he heard that, holding his gun closely. The only gang Jesse would ever have respect for is Deadlock, and these punks are nothing compared the legacy that Deadlock was. Jesse let out a bittersweet laugh as he thought of the past, getting into the messy scene. The gang members were shouting loudly at the victims, telling them to give up all of their cash. They never saw Jesse coming.

     Jesse managed to get behind them without them even realizing that he was on the scene. The victims noticed Jesse instantly, and trembled with fear. They assumed that he was with the gang, which was the farthest thing from the truth.

     I'll get you out of here, safe and sound, thought McCree, sending a lady who stared at him with fear a wink, before he shot one of the gang members in the back of the head. Dead accuracy. The gang member didn't have time to scream out as he fell limply forward, his body jerking around.

     The others noticed and turned around, firing at Jesse - or, at where Jesse was. That got their attention. Jesse thought proudly, rolling our of the way of their bullets before he fired at another with dead accuracy. The killed gang member fell against his still alive ally, and scared the shit out of him. He freaked out and shoved the body away with enough force to knock himself unstable, stumbling backwards. His gun started to fire wildly at the roof as he fell onto his ass.

     McCree pulled his hat down as bullet shells fell down, before he shot at the fallen member. He missed the first two shots, where one hit the ground and the other one hit the wall by his head. He was now down to two shots before he had to reload again. He bit down harder on the cigar resting in his mouth, and shot him between the eyes. One shot left. He thought, keeping track.

     There was only two more people left, and he really didn't want to reload. This might be difficult. McCree thought to himself, the smoke coming up from his cigar bothering his focus.

     "Get him!" The seeming leader of the group yelled, before firing at McCree. Most of bullets had zero accuracy and hit the wall or ground, missing him, but McCree knew better. His luck would soon run out.

     Taking cover behind an already shot at desk was not a good idea, but it was better than nothing. The two gang members started to shoot at the cover, the bullets tore up what remaining wood was left. Jesse pondered his choices as bullets flew past him. Let's just hope the best, sweetheart. He thought, taking a swift glance at her revolver before he stood up from cover and shot one of the remaining gang members in the chest. If he didn't hit his heart, it didn't matter - that guy wasn't going to stand back up for a while.

     In the split second that Jesse had to charge forward without being hit, he jumped over the cover - that was hardly anything but ruined wood that this point - and swept the remaining gang member to the ground. He shrieked out when he hit the ground, and tried to shoot at Jesse, but he pulled the gun out of his hand before he had the chance.

     Oh, did the gang member curse and spit out vulgar words at Jesse as he raised his own rifle against him. McCree would've been bothered by it if he was a normal person, but he was not. He simply aimed the gun at an area that would kill him quickly and pulled the trigger. The recoiled hardly hurt his shoulder before he sat the gun down, picking up Peacekeeper.

     "Did any of these guys hurt any of ya?" He asked the crowd, who was staring holes into McCree. Even if he did just save their lives, he did take down five people without missing a beat. Their were too shaken up to say anything to the cowboy, so he took their silence as an answer.

     "Well, then." Jesse murmured, putting away his revolver. "The authorities should be here soon." He said to the crowd, knowing they wouldn't respond back. He tipped his hat at them, and then turned to leave before he could be convicted of murder - even if he was killing the bad guys.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

     "I'm telling ya, Jack, this ain't a big deal." McCree protested to his commander with his arms crossed. "Why is killing the bad guys illegal? I just saved innocent lives and their money." He told Jack Morrison, who, yes, agrees with the cowboy to some agree but needs to keep the rules of Overwatch established amongst all of its soldiers. He wouldn't act any different if Tracer did anything like this.

     "You can't just run around and kill people, Jesse. Even if you are killing the evil people of the world, it is still illegal. You could've handle that situation differently and you know it." Jack told him sternly, not letting up.

     McCree threw his arms up in protest. "What should I have done? Called the police and sit back - let them handles the murderous and unstable gang? That's reckless, and that's endangering civilians."

     Jack sighed and tapped his foot, not having enough patience to deal with McCree today. "I'm just telling you, Jesse. Next time you think that you can just run in and be a hero just because you used to be one - just don't. A lot has changed."

     With that, Jack ended the conservation and left the room. Leaving McCree alone with his thoughts. Then what is the point of Overwatch if you can't be a hero? He thought to himself, before he sighed, and dropped the thought in his head.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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