Chapter 22: House Trolls

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-Next morning-

I woke up and I almost forgot I was sleeping on the floor, I must of been really tired. "Hey you sleepy. Get up you need to eat breakfast" Madeline dragged me off the ground and put me in the kitchen. "I already ate, so Madeline is baking" Lyla went to sit down on the couch and started reading. "I'm still a bit dizzy so I'm resting today and taking it easy" Lyla feel asleep on the couch even with the semi-loud sound around her.

"Hey guys who is trying to take my book it's not funny" Lyla sounded drunk, even though she was too young to drink. "House trolls!" Dakota grabbed his bow and arrow and Madeline made him put it down since he was a complete master at it, yet he was decent in that fight yesterday. "Maxine throw the house trolls out the window!" Madeline ordered. Jax got up and grabbed both of the house trolls. "If you come here again, there'll be something worse then being thrown out the window" The house trolls were scared and she threw them out the window. House trolls can't be trusted, never because they steal everything and I mean everything..those things are strong for being so small. "At least winter is half way over so we don't have freeze for much longer" Madeline said putting away dishes. "Good, winter this year is strong. Cold has been hitting villages hard with people sick, hopefully that's not Lyla since she's been cold a lot lately" Jax said worried. "We'll just have to go to the village to buy warmer clothing, we will in the morning" Madeline cleaned off the rest of the table. Are we gonna survive winter?

(A/N: I had to deal with someone hating this story just because of the was written yesterday, it was so stupid .-. Anyways hopefully you enjoyed)

Written when: WEEKS AGO BOI!

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