Chapter 13: Woolruft

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-Week later-

I was in the kitchen eating dinner after everyone else left. "Your eating late" Why is she kinda annoying me? "Cause I got back from walking in the woods, I'm hungry" I said eating my chicken. "You eating chicken because you were chicken" I wanted to punch that malpha so badly; she laughed at the disapproved look on my face. "I was only kidding" She laughed and I still had a look of disappointment. "You know since you've been here for almost a month I could bring you somewhere, anywhere you want" She looked way too excited, more than a normal person should. "You wanna go to the village" I suggested. "Sure! Let's go" she said grabbed my wrist running out of the cabin.

-Woolruft Village-

We arrived at the village and it was busy today for some odd reason. Did I miss something? An event? A holiday? "Can we look around" I looked and she was excited. "Sure, lets walk around" I said and we started walking. There wasn't that much to see for such a busy day, I saw I cart of food and went with it with her. Speaking of her I don't know her name at all. "So what's new" I questioned. "Nothing much, just Winter around the corner, that's why it's so busy" Wait! It's almost winter already! I took two cookies, giving one to her and payed him a dollar. "See ya later" I said walking away.

"So what's your name" She was eating away at her cookie then she looked at me. "It's Lyla, Lyla Raye" She answered. "That's a unique name" She smiled at me. "Thanks" Lyra finished the cookie. "Forgot to ask, what's with the cloak" I questioned. "My hair is bright red plus it sticks out like a sore thumb so I wear the cloak. I've done it ever since I was little so it's fine" Lyla said. Her hair is a very bright red, I wonder where she got it from, but it's none of my business. " want to go back after looking at a few more things" She looked really tired and drained, weak...why though?

"You ok Lyla, you look really tired" She collapsed on the ground and I was shocked. I picked her up and rushed back to the cabin as fast as I could.

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