Chapter 16: Lyla's unknown past

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-December 12th-

It's been winter for about two weeks, but it's been more peaceful. Maybe for everyone else, but I've been thinking what is really my past. I walked downstairs and too the library to find some books on MapleWood and when I did I sat down at the table reading was weird because I'm only reading about the attack. I put the book back and grabbed books about the villages and kingdoms.

I kept reading and reading but nothing about ancient red hair, I know it's not inherited which makes it stand out more than it does already, but there's really nothing on it. "Hey, whatcha reading" I turned around and it was Jax. "Oh hey Jax. I was just reading books about kingdoms and villages to find out where I come from" I answered and she facepalmed. "Oh no no no no apple you need to search up families in the book of kingdoms and there's one on villages to I guess" Jax put the two books on the table which were huge.

I was searching through the books and nothing. Except some random stuff that's sounds creepy, I mean why would they make a book about people? Isn't this a bit creepy? I kept looking and found mother. Wait? This is in the kingdom book not the village book. "Jax is this the right book? My family is in the kingdom book" Jax looked at me and I was confused. "Don't take this personally, but you don't look like the kind of person to live in the kingdom" confessed Jax. "I don't take it personally. I don't think I do either...but my mother she told me she ran away from somewhere but didn't say where. She wouldn't tell me anything about the old place I once lived in" I went quiet. "You wanna go, we have to go get supplies in a few days anyways" Jax said, I nodded and took the book walking out of the library.

Maybe my life was a lie...

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