Chapter one : Everything works for me.... Not

Start from the beginning

And finally phase three,my personal favorite,- the sigh of defeat and departure.

So phase two was over. Just a little more time for her to leave me in peace to continue my slumber.

I heard her sigh and her dress ruffling as she walked out. Once the door closed, I snuggled up in my bed and tried sleeping again.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard the door open again..very unusual. I still ignored it anyway.



Cold water!!

Cold freaking water was poured on me!!

"What the fudge!! " I shrieked,hugging myself to stop my shivering. I looked I looked up to see a smirking Eva staring back at me.

"Eva!!, what the hell!! "I groaned, getting colder by the second.

"Selinam,language"she simply said still with that stupid smirk on her face.

"Now,you're going to leave your bed and get ready for school,everything's ready for you in the bathroom" with that she left.

I was still glaring at where she was previously standing trying to understand what just happened when a cold gust of wind blew in through my open window making me even more cold. Like wearing wet Victoria's Secret pyjamas and being in a drenched bed was not enough punishment for me.

I got out of bed eventually and trust me, it was painful. My teeth was chattering slightly and I longed for a hot bath. I walked across my room to my en suite. I stepped into my bathroom and realized Eva had already prepared my rose scented bath with my olive oils and everything. I took off my clothes and stepped into my bath tub. I lay in it long enough to allow it to seep into my pores and defreeze me. When I was done with that, I got out and cleaned up with my scented, soft towel. With my robe on I shampooed my hair and proceeded to brush my teeth.

When the whole bathing ritual was over, I went back to my room. Eva had already picked out my outfit for me, ripped jeans , an off shoulder top and my white high tops. I quickly applied some makeup ,dressed up and headed down stairs for breakfast.

"She finally woke up.I was hoping she'd die in her sleep so I could have her food" I heard my little brother, Rookie,mutter under his breath.

"That's no way to greet your fantastic sister" I said ruffling his hair as I said so.

"Someone make it stop, stop it please, I'm dying here" Rookie shrieked pretending to be choking.

"Honestly, Rookie, for a boy you sure are dramatic" I told him,rolling my eyes at him.


"Hi dad" I greeted walking over to my father and placing a peck on his cheek.

"Hello my princess. How are you? "

"I'm great dad.You?"

" Mhmm"

"Dad are you okay? " I asked seeing as he didn't answer my question exactly.

"Yes pumpkin. Nothing to worry about"

But when I looked at his face there was some sort of expression but then he quickly masked it again. I decided to brush it off and attribute it to his kingly duties. It must be taking a toll on him perhaps.

"Alright, if you say so " I chirped, moving to my seat. I had barely taken a bite out of my scrambled eggs when I heard someone clear their throat. I groaned internally but looked up anyway.

"What is Rookie? "my voice a few decibels lower.

My stupid brother just kept staring at my face and then back to my food for like 3 minutes.

"You know what, you can have it. I just lost my appetite" with that I pushed my plate to my overly excited brother who started stuffing his face with my food.

"Gross Rookie,show some manners, you pig" I said giggling.

He ignored me, typical Rookie.

I took out my iPhone, inhaled deeply and prepared to check my texts when I heard a car honking outside.

"Seli, Keni is here! " Eva shouted from outside.

I put my phone back in my bag and left the table.

"Bye Daddy,bye Rookie"

"Bye sweetheart"

"mmmm mmmmmmm"

Stupid glutton Brother I thought to myself,laughing quietly.

I walked down the hallway towards the main door where ,Derrick, our hot doorman was posted.

"Hi Derrick" I greeted in a sweet, flirty voice to him.

"Hello princess, you look prettier today " he responded with that deep, husky voice of his.

I swooned mentally. What is wrong with me, it was just a normal, friendly compliment, nothing to read so much meaning into.

"Why thank you ,tiger" I said. I covered my mouth the moment i uttered those words. Internally, I was smacking myself so hard. Derrick laughed heartily at my little slip up. I blushed deeply, God this couldn't get any worse.

As if on cue, Keni started honking the car again. I swear I have never been more grateful to her for that intervention. Derrick opened the door f still laughing at me.

"Bye Princess" he said amidst laughter.

I waved back awkwardly and sprinted towards Keni's car which was parked right infront of the house. I got in and started banging my head on the air bag.

"Easy there Kitty " Keni said " I just got this Last week, I don't want your big head making dents in my car"

I don't even understand why she's my best friend, she's pure evil.

"I was going to say thank you for saving me by the honk back there,but I won't say it again" I told her, folding my arms and pouting at her.

"Really Seli?, Saved by the honk, as in saved by the bell? ...Wow you really suck.How come I'm stuck with you being my best friend? " she said, throwing her head back laughing.

"Funny, I just asked myself that too"

"oh Seli"

I punched her playfully on the arm.

"Whatever. Just drive us to that hell hole they call school okay? "

Keni just looked at me and laughed some more before driving down our massive driveway and out the gates.

School, here I come.

So much for everything works for me. Sucky morning, no breakfast, major embarrassment infront of my man crush,stupid mean best friend.

Just my luck I guess.


My little kittens...
Stay tuned for more updates and remember to vote and comment and share.

Lots of love


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