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You quickly did a vault over the fence as you did your best to dodge the alien bullets that was firing towards you. You don't know what they are and how did they get on Earth and in fact, you shook away the questions as you continue to run away from their place.

Not sure how you were awake from seeing an alien face. The alien speaks gibberish to each other, somehow you can understand them. Maybe you have gone into purgatory and are already dead. This is must be a punishment of some sorts. The aliens treated you differently. Less than their kind, more of a prisoner.

You never noticed how your right arm has been marked. All you know that it was covered with their blood.

The sweet escaped that you concoct has an aftertaste. It was bitter when one of their scouts caught you fleeing from their base. You knew you had little time to avoid their bullets. Not sure why they didn't end your life when you were woke up from that deep slumber.

As you ran, you did a terrible job at free running. You stumble and trip but that did not stop you to have confidence for your freedom.

You need to see humans. You want to know that there are living humans out there, surviving this hell.

Within a few days, you had lost the aliens in the forest. Thanks to your ability to climb trees - bless your inner childhood for teaching you that - you had the upper hand to run. It was the higher ground and the trees provide you a safe sanctuary from the aliens and the wild animals.

You went from tree to tree, moving from one place to another so that the aliens doesn't find your campsite within the trees. You managed to have a short bath, to clean yourself from all the dirt, alien blood and grime all over your body.

The escape from them was successful so you keep on walking. The abandoned towns that you passed by, you search for food, clean clothing and medicine. The town was covered with vines and they had an eerie aura. Its like something will pounce on you from the dark corner.

You searched the pharmacy which has medicine that haven't expired, clean bandages and the old Wallmart store. You are not going to be picky so you pick whatever clean clothes you can grab and changed.

The clean clothes was comfortable and your wound on your right arm was treated. Instead of a scar, it was a symbol that carved onto your skin. You decide to hide it by tying a scarf around it as you got out from the bathroom. Wallmart has knives that are not rusted so you took it.

With your clothes changed, your food stock up, medical items with you and weapons, you managed to survive without calling for help even though you can hear planes flying by over your head.

You had learn how to defend yourself from animals and aliens. The knives was your favourite and it became your primary weapon. Some were machete and katana that you found in Japan. Some countries had no people and you wonder; where are they? Did they left Earth to go to Space?

Your arsenal keep growing as you walked around the world, you can hotwired an old car. It was something you learn from watching your uncle doing it.

Family. You haven't think of them. Are they alive? Are they dead and gone? Did they ever make a search party to find you or they give up on you?

You stopped the car, just to have a moment for yourself. It's been a long time since you cry. The Earth has changed and your loved ones are gone. Even friends. They must be dead.

The aliens must have conquered Earth and killed everyone. That was your idea on what had happened to the world.

You had reached Russia, and the fuel tank of the car has ended since you couldn't find any working gas station. With a heavy sigh, you equip yourself with your blades, carry the backpack over your shoulder and going into to a protective stance.

The cold air of Russia brushed your cheek, it was piercing your skin. The winter clothes that you stole from a Winter Store had kept you warm from any cold climates of the world.

Your footing was cautious as you passed by the deteriorating vehicles. Rust was everywhere and you've seen a few skeletons that was lying inside the car. You send your prayers to them.

Unknown to you, your activity has caught the attention of the Vanguards. One of their Guardian has informed them that one of the old Cryostasis coffin was activated when they did a patrol on China. The Guardian was following you and told their reports about you to the Vanguards.

Zavala wanted to meet you, Ikora was wondering why you didn't call for help and Cayde, he was impressed with your knives.

The Guardian has followed you, and was keeping an eye. Except the time you bath, they gave you a privacy and excuse themselves to send a report back to the Vanguards.

"Should we approach her?" The Guardian Ghost asked as the Guardian watched you from afar with their Sniper Rifle. "I'm picking up Fallen movements. They are increasing."

"Maybe, now." The Guardian got up from his post and summon his Sparrow. He quickly took off to chase after you.

A human like you was not forged in Light, without the help of a Ghost and you are not a Guardian. The Vanguards had taken an interest and wanted you to come to the Tower to learn what you do in the Wilderness.

Back to you, you climbed the wall and seek cover. The aliens had found you and judging by the sound they make, they seem happy to see you. While you were not happy about it. You unsheathed your katana, take a quick breath before jumping down from the building to end the alien's life.

You were tackled by someone. "Hey!" You shouted at them. You wriggled your way out from their hold but they didn't let go. You were greeted by a floating thing.

"Hello there, Miss." It greeted you. In full English. You blinked as it continued. "Pardon my friend but we are rescuing you from the Fallen."

The floating thing friend spoke up. "Ship is coming, prepared for a transmat." What his friend said as he threw a grenade of some sort and brought you into their ship.

You aimed your blade at the friend. "Who are you?" Your body was screaming not to trust them and they will end your life with a blink of an eye. Or worse, torture.

"My name is Nevio." He said as he took out his helmet. You were not prepared to have your rescuer to have a robotic head and voice. "I'm a Guardian and my little friend here, is Ghost."

"Sorry about all that in the Cosmodrome." Ghost floated towards you.

Slowly, you lowered your katana and sheathed it. "Where are we going?" You eyed them both.

Ghost answered your question. "To the Last City on Earth."

Nevio went to the cockpit to pilot his ship while Ghost asked you questions which you reply with honesty and truth. In your turn, you ask Ghost questions and it happily answered them with ease.

"This is Nevio, she's here." He spoke to the comms that was connecting with the Vanguards. "Heading back to the Tower."

"Excellent work, Guardian."

Getaway Girl [cayde-6 x reader] (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now