Chapter 7- Hospitals Gazebos and Hallways. *Edited*

Start from the beginning

"I didn't do this to you ok? Tell them that you fell and I'm just bringing you here." He says soothingly trying to sound like he didn't just break my damn wrist!

I'm heated but just want to get this over with and call one of my brothers from the hospital to come and get me. There is no way I'm missing out on talking to Chase. I need to be near him tonight. I nod giving him the silent treatment and he helps me out of his car.

We step in and I guess he doesn't trust me enough to say what he told me to say because before I can get a word out he says,

"Hi Susie, we think my girlfriend broke her wrist. She fell walking out of school when I went to pick her up." She blushes, gives him a smile then turns to look at me.

"Oh dear! Your wrists swelling up fast. Let's get you back there shall we." I force a smile at her and follow her to a room.

Walking out of the hospital with a cast on my arm I kept thinking about the look that Dr. Kyle, who's also a Were, was giving me. Like he knew I didn't fall. Like he knew Ryder had something to do with it because he insisted on being in the room with me at all times. There were a few minutes though when Ryder had to leave the room to take a call from work. During that time I asked the Dr. Kyle if I could use my phone to call my brother to pick me up and he said, with a knowing look that he thought that was best. I feel sorry for him because he looked so helpless. How are you supposed to call the cops on someone that you think may be abusing his "girlfriend" when the abuser is a cop himself? A well-known cop at that.

I called B to come and get me at the hospital and he freaked out but I told him to just come and hung up. I didn't want Ryder walking in on my call and getting pissed off. I think Dr. Kyle just worked up the courage to ask me what really happened when Ryder came back in. He sighed and said,

"It should heal in about a week." Thank God for us being able to heal slightly faster than humans. "So take it easy alright?" He continued and looked at me with sympathy and then Ryder with anger.

Ryder didn't notice it because he was too busy looking at me.

"Thanks Doc for taking care of my girl. Will we see you at the pack house for the BBQ tonight?" Ryder asked.

"Maybe. Depends on if I'll have to pick up a shift for someone or not. Happens a lot." He said tired.

"Now remember, take it easy and take these pills when the pain gets to be too much." He said concerned.

"Alright, Doc. Thank you." I said softly and gave him a smile.

I didn't realize that while I was thinking about what happened back there B and Ryder were in a heated conversation. Snapping out of my thoughts I listened to what was going on.

"...fell Judge so I brought her here. You can go, I got her." Ryder said to calmly.

B being the great brother that he is said,

"Nah, I got her. Thanks for bringing here though. I owe you one bro. I'll see you at the pack house."

Ryder was calm but you could tell he was holding back his anger.

"Yeah." He said shortly and stormed off.

"What's his problem?" B asked me.

I shrug and once we get into B's car I turn and ask him,

"B, I broke up with Ryder right?"

He looks at me confused.

"I mean, Ace or mom and dad told you that I broke up with him right?" I asked seriously wondering if I did or not.

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