★ Stark's Dream House

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Age: 6

"Hello hello! It is Mr. Tony Stark here, and I am accompanied by the lovely and beautiful, (Y/N) Stark!"

Tony turned the camera towards you, whom was happily munching on a chocolate chip cookie. With chocolate smeared around the corners of your mouth, you giggled for the camera before Tony turned it back to his face. "Now, we are going to take you on a tour of our lovely home, which (Y/N) actually gave a fantastic nickname. (Y/N) what was that nickname?" Tony asked, turning the camera back to you.

You innocently stared at the camera and continued to dip your half eaten cookie into a glass of milk. "The Stark Dream House!" You exclaimed before causally spilling the glass of milk onto the floor, the cup shattering across the floor in the process as Tony let out a loud groan. You looked down at the glass and then back up at the camera before frowning. "Don't worry, Pumpkin. We'll clean it." Tony spoke, placing a hand onto your small shoulder.


"Okay (Y/N), what room are we in right now?" Tony asked, filming you as you jumped up and down on his bed. You giggled as you continued to hop around, messing up the sheets and all of Tony's pillows in the process, but as long as you were having fun, that was all he cared about. "(Y/N)," Tony started "you are being a terrible tour guide. I have no clue where we are!"

"Daddy don't be stupid, we're in your room!" You shouted as you plopped yourself onto his bed and rolling around in the soft comforters. "Okay I'm bored of this room, (Y/N)! Show me the next!" Tony exclaimed. You hopped off of his bed, dragging his blankets with you as you could hear him laughing as he followed you with the camera.

"(Y/N), you can't take my blanket!" He called as he filmed you running down the hallway. "But it's soft!" You cried. Tony turned the camera back to him and released a sigh. "Such a knucklehead" he murmured, giving the camera a big grin.


"Now, we are currently in Miss (Y/N)'s room." Tony had the camera facing the both of you, as you laid in your bed. "The next room was supposed to be the kitchen, but (Y/N) got tired from jumping on my bed and stealing my blanket" Tony spoke before turning his head to look at you.

You were cradled at his side, your head resting right underneath his arm as you were obviously drifting into a deep sleep. Tony placed the camera down, and softly snaked himself away from you, trying not to disrupt you. He tucked you into your bed, and pressed a kiss to your cheek before returning the camera to the front of his face.

"Oh Miss (Y/N), where do I begin. This is our last day before I go away for a few days, and if your watching this tomorrow, a week from now, maybe 10 years from now, just know how much I love you, and how much I will always love doing the stupid little things around the house like we did today, even though you passed out right after. You'll always be my little girl, Pumpkin" Tony smiled, and the camera was cutoff, ending with his signature Stark smirk.

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