
307 18 6

15 unread message(s)

uh oh.

alanabeckk (14)

alanabeckk: Evan

alanabeckk: are you alright Evan?

alanabeckk: Evan

alanabeckk: Evan

alanabeckk: Zoe's worried about you


evan scrolls to the bottom of his conversation with alana, which consists of nine more messages of spam and "please answer" which makes him feel guilty for being so dramatic you're always an inconvenience you're always making people feel sorry for you and for what? nothing you're just -

ehansen: hi sorry i'm ok what's wronh

1 unread message(s)

connorboi: i'm sorry

ehansen: for what

the message has failed to send.

ehansen: connor.

the message has failed to send.

ehansen: connor please anawer me?

the message has failed to send.

what came before won't count anymore · deh Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin