"You wanna go get some donuts? They opened something down the street." Zeke says as he comes out of the kitchen and sits by Max, glaring at one of the shows Max has been watching nonstop for the past few weeks.

"I don't feel like doing anything."

"You haven't felt like doing anything for the past, like, month."

Max crosses his arms and leans back, frowning. He knows that Zeke is right. He doesn't even know why he's still all down on himself, everything is pretty much back to normal. He and Barnes are friends and, well, that's fine with him.

Stop lying to yourself.

Whatever! They weren't technically any more than friends in the first place. So he's fine with it. He's okay with being friends.

He's fine.

"Fine. Lets go get donuts. You're going to make me fat." Max sighs out, even though he really doesn't want to go anywhere. But he and Zeke have grown further apart... basically since he broke his ankle. And that's pretty much both of their worst nightmare.

So, fine, they're just going to go get some donuts.

"Sweet, but we have to walk." Zeke responds. And then Max has to get his lazy ass off the couch and go put on shoes. And a jacket.


But he isn't changing. He wore pajamas to school today so he's gonna wear pajamas to donuts. And guess why?

Because fuck it. That's why.

So eventually they are walking out the door, down the hallway to the stairs, and down the sidewalk to wherever Zeke said the donut place was.

When they eventually reach it, Max is surprised to see that it is actually really small, but it's still crowded. However, upon closer inspection he realizes that almost all of the cars are in the drive thru and the actual place is pretty empty.

So, after going in there and ordering a bunch of donuts that they will definitely eat, and sitting down at a table towards the back, Zeke begins talking.

"You two need to work it out."

Max looks over at Zeke with his mouth full of donut because he shoved an entire one into his mouth. Because he's smart.

"What are you talking about?" Max responds. He's surprised no donut came out of his mouth, actually. Seriously. An entire donut.

"You and Lewis have been fighting. Fix it. You're not acting like yourself."

Then Max realizes that the only reason Zeke dragged him here to this donut place is because he wanted to tell Max to make up with Barnes.


"I already did, Zeke! He and I agreed to be friends. So it's all good."

"Then why are you still all depressing?"

Max frowns at his donut. He doesn't want to tell Zeke, he really doesn't. Even though Zeke kind of caught Max about to give Barnes a hand job back in his car, Max still doesn't feel like talking about this with Zeke.

Sure, it happened weeks ago. But it's still fresh. At least, to him.

Whatever, fuck it. This is Zeke, and Zeke always makes things better. So fine.

"Because I want to be more." Max finally admits.

Zeke smiles, and Max rolls his eyes.

"Alright, well then we need to come up with a plan."

Max frowns, "Zeke. He ended it for a reason-"

"The reason was probably stupid. You two constantly look like you want to fuck each other, no joke. You're getting your man back one way or another."

And Max can't help but laugh. Zeke is acting like such a fangirl right now, it's great.

"Well, now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure that Lauren made him end it."

"Wait- she knew about you two?"

Max thinks for a moment. No, she probably just thinks that Max has a thing for Barnes, not the other way around—based on what she said. That's why she wanted them to end their 'friendship'. Because she's a possessive demon.

"I think she just knows I have a thing for him."

"How do you know?"

"She mentioned it at the party, and her and Barnes were fighting about it outside the-"

"There we go!"

Max jumps at Zeke suddenly raising his voice, and gives him a look like he's lost his mind. So Zeke decides to elaborate.

"We form a plan off of that!"

Max looks at him like he's insane, "what?"

Zeke goes silent, sinking back in his chair and munching on a donut. It takes a bit for Max to realize that he's thinking. He's actually making a plan.

Max has the best brother in the world, shit.

So Max waits.

And waits.

And waits.

He ends up waiting a total of twelve minutes—not that he was counting—until Zeke looks up like he's decided the best plan in the whole entire universe.

Well this better be fucking good, because damn. The donuts are long gone and Max was starting to think Zeke completely shut down and needed to be rebooted like a robot or something.

"Alright. I've got it."

Max raises his eyebrows.

"So, you go to his house - sober - and tell him that you heard the conversation. And then you apologize."

Max is already confused. Where exactly is Zeke going with this?

"You tell him that you haven't gotten drunk or high or anything really since you and him talked- you haven't, right?"

"Once." Max responds.

Zeke rolls his eyes, "whatever. Tell him that you cut down a lot and then go on and on about Lauren and become all sentimental-"

"Zeke. This isn't going to work."

"Yes it will. Now let me finish. You become all sentimental and leave peacefully and boom. He comes to you and he'll be like 'oh Tucker you're so cool I'm sorry-'"

"That seemed like it could work until the last part."

Zeke starts laughing his ass off. Both of them beginning to pass it off as a joke...

But then Max gets thinking. He's not going to become some kind of evil genius, but he does want Barnes to realize that he isn't as self destructive as he seems to think.

Even if he is.


He's not, and Max wants to prove that.

So, he may or may not begin making plans to show up to Barnes' house with the excuse of apologizing.

[] [] []

Hey guys! How's it going? How's life?

Well mines great because MAX IS GOING TO APOLOGIZE???? FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE???

Will it work? What do you guys think? I love to hear your thoughts! I am currently outside waiting for the bus in the rain! I have absolutely no idea why I'm in such a good mood right now!

Anywho, three chapters left after this one guys. And then I'll post another book.

*sigh* I already miss these losers.

Okay! I hope you guys have a good day (it's FRIDAY) and I love all of you more than I love myself.



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