And now ten minutes later refilling a cup of coffee I suddenly felt guilty. I mean what could Diego have done all the way in London? Even if he sent Greg I could have negotiated with him. What was I doing?

I was never a very good liar. Through childhood and adolescence, I always ended up telling the truth. When I was a child, if I ever did anything wrong I would succumb to the pressure (my puzzled parents would kindly ask what happened) and spill everything. Sometimes they didn't even need to ask me and I spilt, they just had to look at me for a moment.

Even during high school when I should have been at the peak of my lying game I couldn't even tell a white lie. Francesca and Leon knew me too well and as soon as I looked at them they could tell I lied.

I was told I was an open book. My feelings were visible through my facial features. And when I lied it usually portrayed through my eyes or even my lips. I was pretty terrible.

Another reason I was so untalented in deceit was that I always felt guilty. If I ever got away with being insidious I would be filled with such remorse that I would eventually tell the truth. Francesca and Leon (experts) called me a hopeless case.

I was never sure whether to take it as an insult or a compliment.

And now I had just lied to Diego. It wasn't the first time which is what made it worse. Maybe it was Diego. As soon as I met him I was suddenly gifted at deceit. I could hide the truth from everybody, I was doing it right now with Andres, Ludmila and Natalia.

The last time Diego found out I lied he seemed devastated. Or maybe disappointed. He always told me that I was supposed to be the saint in the relationship. I was the innocent one, I was the one who walked around with an imaginary halo. But it hardly ever felt like that.

He said he was the one who would have eventually ruined this relationship if we weren't bound together by a contract. That if it wasn't for those papers we probably would have ended ages ago because he would have found some way to destruct this relationship.

He would be disappointed in me right now.

But it seemed like I had the power to destroy this relationship at the moment. I was the one who had feelings for the other. I held these one-sided feelings. If I expressed this affection I may ruin everything that we had right now.

Our kind of friendship. We cared about each other, that much was clear. But maybe in different ways. His emotions could be platonic and mine are romantic. I didn't want to ruin that.

This was why I could never tell him that I...liked him.

Which meant I was lying to him.

What was wrong with me?

What was wrong with me?

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