2 Guys. 1 ❤:: 31

Start from the beginning

I told her

"Hey, Sean? Why didn't you freak out when you knew who is was?"

She asked me

"I did. I was trying to keep it in. After to left, lets just say thee was some jumping and fangirling happening"

I laughed at myself and he laughed too.

We finally arrived.

I set her down so she could walk in.

She opened the door and around 30 people of so yelled "SURPRISE!"

I knew that was going to happen.

But most of the people here are famous, or related to them.

I saw:

•Ariana Grande

•Jai Brooks

•Jennette MCcurdy

•Beau Brooks

•Luke Brooks

•Frankie Grande

•Miley Cyrus


We heard the door open.

She hid in the closest place we could find.

U got the couch and u don't really know where everybody else was.

I saw Adri's face and that's when everybody popped out and yelled "SURPRISE!" She jumped and bit and had a huge smile plastered in her face.

But that's when I noticed she wasn't alone. It was a guy she was with.

Not Austin, that's weird. Austin's really only guy she hangs out with a lot besides Alex, and her new friends I learned were Harry, Zayn, Connor, and I Think Niall.

I never heard her talk about him.

Did they just meet?

He looked at bit familiar.

I've seen that face in a magazine before, you know, that guy models.


Sean O'donnell

I walked up to them and hugged adri.

"Thanks so much mom" she said

"Your welcome sweety, anything for you"

I replied.

I pulled away and room my hand out to shakes Sean's.

"Hi, I'm Adri's Mom"

"I know ms.Brooks. I'm a huge fan. It a pleasure to meet you"

Awe he's so sweet.

"Thanks you, and please all my Ariana. Ms. Makes me feel old. And it's a pleasure to meet I o. I've seen you in magazines before, you're Sean right?"

U asked him

His eyes pooped out

"Yes, it's so unbelievable that you know who I am"

He said

I laughed

"We'll ill see you his later"



It's been about two hours or so.

I learned that Sean is a model.

But currently working at Starbucks.

We were at the indoor pool at the moment.

We ha out feet I. The water only.

We could here the echo of the music that's in the main floor.

Yes, the pool is like we're the basement is. The main floor is the normal floor or what ever you call it.

Then thee upstairs.

We were talking about the randomest thing you can think of.

I have him as my backround picture and he has me as his.

He got a text, but rolled his eyes at it.

"Why so cranky?" I asked

"My mom wants me home now, she's outside waiting for me"

"Ohh" I said sadly

We were just looking ini each others eyes.

We both got lost.

He started to lean in.

What? What do I do? Do I kiss him?

Kiss him you dimwit

A voice said inside my head.

Great, that stupid voice in my head is back

Go away, I can deal with this.

Yea right, like you can deal with anything

Hey! I can so

Just kiss him you moron

I am, I am, just shut up already

My duty is done here, see you next time

I leaned in.

His lips collided with mine.

It was magical.

Like nothing else.

We were like that for about 3 minutes until his damn phone rang.

We pulled away.

"I gotta go. But adri?"

He said


"I was wondering if you wanted to go I a date with me? It's okay if you say no. I'll tota-"

I cut him off by crashing my lips onto his.

"I would love to"

I said

"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8, wear something casual"


I said

"Bye, adri"

He gave me one last pek before he left.

Once I saw he was out of sight.

Lets just say I have a mini dance party.

I always thought you could only feel like this once. Apparently not.

Cause both Austin ad Sean make me feel this way.

I have one heart, but two guys name or written on it.

Gosh! Best. Day. Ever. Though!!!



And Like I Said Before. If You Like Justin Bieber. Please Go And Check Out My New Story 'Backpack' It Would Mean A Lot To Me.


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