Part 25

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Mia had woken Jihoo and I up early the next morning by knocking at the door. Luckily she left after we explained we needed some time. The blanket fell off my torso as I sat up. "How did you sleep princess?" Jihoo asked sitting on the bed next to me. "I slept well" I stretched then leaned over and pecked my love's lips. "Last night was amazing" he smiled and pulled me into his embrace. The memory of last night played through my mind and caused blush to creep on to my cheeks. "Yeah it was" I smiled. "Well let's get up and get dressed, Mia and the others are probably waiting." Jihoo got off the bed and I followed after him.

Within an hour Jihoo, Mia, and I were playing round up, last on the list was Woobin. "Sunbae!" Mia called out as she knocked on the door. "We're waiting for you~" she added. A faint "alright, I'll be out in a minute" was heard through the door. Woobin opened his door, focused on the screen. "Ready sunbae?" Mia asked. The lizardly one smiled and nodded. "Yeah let's go" he said placing his phone in his pocket and walking along side Mia. "You think they like each other?" Jihoo asked me. I replied with a simple shrug as I grasped his hand and walked with him down the path.

"Go Sunbae!" Jandi called out to Junpyo. My angel threw the ball up and hit it over the net to Yijung. Junpyo jumped in front of Gaeul's playboy and hit the ball, stealing Yijung's shot. The ball began traveling to Woobin. "You've got this Sunbae!" Mia yelled out to him. Woobin's eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face as he the ball back over the net, scoring the tie breaking final point of the game. I got up and ran to Jihoo and hugged him tightly. "I knew you would win" I smiled and pecked his lips. "You did good Sunbae!" Mia exclaimed, probably to Woobin. "Come on jagi, let's go explore" Jihoo whispered to me. I nodded and took his hand. "We will see you guys later" Jihoo shouted fore everyone to here as I simply waved. "Alright, be careful!" Jandi called back to us. "We will"

My eyes glanced around to the different things in the store. I looked at almost everything while Jihoo followed behind me. A small set of couples necklace set of angel wings caught my attention. The silver pendants glistened together. "Woah" I said barely audible. I glanced down at the price tag and a frown found my face. "What is it jagi?" Jihoo asked behind me and his eyes found the necklaces that were protected by the crystal glass. "Excuse me ma'am" Jihoo called out to the clerk. "Yes sir?" She approached us with a smile. "I'd like to get the wing necklaces" he smiled. My eyes widened and I faced him. "Don't worry baby~" I whispered and kissed my cheek then handed the clerk his debit card.

Once we were out of the store, Jihoo put my necklace on me. "Isn't this a little much? I don't want you spending so much on me" I looked at the silver pendant around my neck. "Nothing is too much when it comes to you, I'd do anything for you" a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a chin met my shoulder. Blush crept on my face with a smile once more. "Alright, let me put your necklace on you" I smiled and took the bag from Jihoo and grabbed his necklace from within it.

All of us sat around a campfire, laughing and roasting marshmallows, except for Mia. Mia sat a good distance away from the fire and everyone. I didn't question why the girl was so far away, I didn't feel like it was my place to question it. I pulled my marshmallow away from the fire and blew out the fire that caught on to it. "That wasn't supposed to happen" I laughed then ate the burnt marshmallow as soon as it was cool. "You held it too close to the flames" Jihoo said then held my hands and showed me how to properly roast a marshmallow. "Mia~ why are you so far from the fire?" Jandi questioned the foreigner. "Don't you want marshmallows?" Gaeul offered her the bag of delicious fluff and a skewer. "O-oh I'm fine" Mia stuttered. Woobin got up and walked to the girl and offered her his marshmallow. "Cho~ pay attention to your marshmallow~" Jihoo grasped my attention away from Mia and Woobin and to my flaming marshmallow. "Not again" I said before blowing out its flames. A laugh escaped Jihoo's lips. "You're so adorable" I was pulled into my angel's embrace. A few moments passed and Woobin walked over with Mia. The girl had a small look of fear on her face. Woobin pulled her in between his legs and helped her roast a marshmallow. "Thank you sunbae" she smiled at him. Woobin released the skewer, allowing her to roast the marshmallow on her own. "You're welcome Mia" he replied holding her and resting his chin on her shoulder.

Gaeul, Mia, Jandi and I sat in Mia's cabin. "Gaeul, when will that boy propose already?" Jandi questioned her best friend. "I don't know, whenever he chooses to" she smiled. "What about you, how's the married life with Junpyo?" I asked Jandi. "It's great, even though he still tries to spend money on me. I keep telling him that I'll buy my own things" she smiled. At the mention of buying things for your lover, I thought of the necklace around my neck. "Cho, do you think you and Jihoo will marry one day?" Mia asked me. I looked up from my necklace and smiled. "If he still wants to put up with me" I laughed while releasing the pendant allowing it to hang around my neck. "Oh Mia, I was wondering, are you and Woobin a couple?" I Gaeul asked the youngest girl. "Ah... No.... Although I think I'm falling for him" she blushed. "Oooh~" Jandi, Gaeul, and myself all cooed. "Shush! You're embarrassing me~" Mia hid her face. The sound of knuckles hitting the door distracted all of us. "I got it" I said getting up and peeping out the small hole in the door. I opened the door and smiled at the man on the other side. "Hello sunbae~ " I greeted. "Hello jagi~" Jihoo smiled back. "Hello!" Echoed from the back of the room. "Hey girls" Jihoo greeted them. "What are you doing here, I told you I would be back at nine" I said looking at my phone to see its only 8:20. "I want to show you something" I turned and looked at the girls apologetically. They gave me thumbs up and told me to go with him. "Alright" I said turning my head back to Jihoo. "Great, come on" he grinned widely and took my hand in his pulling me with him down the walk way.

The moonlight glistened against the calm sea. "Woah~" I looked at the view. "Beautiful isn't it?" Jihoo asked. I nodded and admired the beauty. "Cho, I have something I need to say..." I returned my attention to him, Jihoo now stood with his hands behind his back. 'Is he?' I thought to myself. "I really love you, you're all I think about. Day and night my heart and mind are with you. You complete me, I just want you to know" he started. 'Oh my god is he about to?' "Will you please accept-" 'he's gonna say it!' "This plant?" He held a unique looking plant up that he was holding behind his back. 'What? A plant?' I looked puzzled. "You're supposed to give it to the person you love, it's the tradition behind it." Jihoo explained as he handed me the pot of greenery. Looking at it, I noticed a butterfly stake planted into the soil. "I love it" I smiled at the plant then at Jihoo. The tall male leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. "I love you" he whispered against my lips. "I love you too" I replied then kissed him back.

Guardian Angel: F4 Yoon Jihoo fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora