Part 20

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"Here Cho, cut these for me" Inyoung handed me some carrots and a knife. I smiled and chopped the carrots as asked. The bell on the door sounded, since I was busy, I knew Inyoung would take care of it, so I remained in the back of the restaurant. "How can I help you three?" Inyoung asked. "Beef ramen sounds good" a familiar male voice said. "I agree" another familiar male voice said. "And you want beef ramen as well?" I didn't hear another voice leading me to think the third one nodded. "Could I get a name for this order?" Inyoung asked the three. "Put the name as Guardian Angel" no way. I stopped cutting the carrots and glanced out the door from the kitchen at the 3 boys sitting at the counter. Woobin in a brown leather jacket, white button up shirt and checkered tie, Yijung, black suit and white tie, Jihoo in a white suit jacket and white turtleneck. My breath hitched in my throating at the sight of them. Tears filled my eyes. "Cho? Sweetie? Can you help me?" Inyoung called to me. I dried my eyes before walking to her, making myself visible to the boys. "Now what is a doctor doing making noodles?" Woobin asked with a chuckle. "It's been really busy at the clinic, everyone misses you" I glanced towards them again. "How did you all find me?" I asked quietly. "I have ways" woobin remarked. "And I know you didn't want to leave, Junpyo overheard Heesoo talking about how she was happy to get rid of you" Yijung smiled at me. I didn't want to cry in front of them. My eyes veered up to Jihoo and he smiled at me, I just now noticed he had dark circles under his eyes and his eyes were red. "I was worried about you, I missed you" Jihoo said. I couldn't hold it back any more. Tears fell down my cheeks and I ran from behind the counter, up to Jihoo and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry sunbae" I sobbed into his shoulder. "It's fine" he pulled away and cupped my cheeks wiping the tears from my face. "Let's go home" he smiled before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I watched out the window as we drove back to Seoul. "What did Junpyo's mother tell you anyway to make you leave? It must have been awful because you're a strong girl" Jihoo asked. I turned and looked at him as he focused on the road. "She told me that since my mother doesn't mean anything to me, she would hurt the people I cared for.... she said she would hurt you and grandfather... I couldn't let that happen" I sighed out. I felt a hand hold mine. "Nothing is going to happen to us, Junpyo wouldn't allow it, and nothing else is going to happen to you, I won't allow it" he smiled while keeping his eyes on the road. "Thank you sunbae.... for everything" I said. Jihoo glanced at me. "I'd do anything for you"

My eyes stared at the ceiling as my whole body rested on my bed. Everything was exactly how I left it, my phone was still sitting where I left it. I picked up the small device and checked it. Over 100 missed calls and texts, majority of them from Jihoo.

"Cho? Where are you?" -8:45 pm

"Honey this isn't funny where are you?" - 8:55 pm 4 days ago

"I'm about to leave Junpyo's house" 9:03 pm 4 days ago

"Ok you're not home either... where are you?" 9:26 pm 4 days ago

"Why aren't you answering me?" - 9:34 pm 4 days ago

"Jagiya~" 9:50 pm 4 days ago

"Did I do something wrong?" -10:00 pm 4 days ago

"Cho answer me" -10:16 pm 4 days ago

"I'm really worried now" 10:28 pm 4 days ago

"Please Cho" -10:37 pm 4 days ago

"I love you" -10:42 pm 4 days ago

I felt tears brim my eyes again. Jihoo was so worried about me. I reread the last one multiple times. He loves me. I left him behind when he loves me. I feel terrible. My hand grasped a tissue and I dried my eyes. "Cho?" My door opened and I saw Jihoo. "Hey sunbae" I smiled and pat my bed next to me. "Please stay in here with me?" I asked. "Absolutely" Jihoo turned off the light then crawled into bed next to me. My arms wrapped around him and held him close to me. "I love you Jihoo" I said only loud enough for him to hear. "I love you too, Cho"

Guardian Angel: F4 Yoon Jihoo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now