Part 23

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The final day of the work week was upon us. "Well it looks like you have a minor case of the flu" I said pouting. "Any medication she's allergic to Mom?" I asked taking out my notepad. "Nope, she's barely allergic to anything" the mother of my patient replied. "Well.... here's a prescription, take it to the pharmacy and have it filled, within 2 to 5 days, she should be back to her old self" I said handing the mother the written prescription. "Thank you Doctor Kim" she smiled and got up. "Oh and this is for you" I crouched down and handed the small girl a lollipop. "Thank you!" She giggled then coughed. "Get well soon~" I waved as they walked out. My feet carried me back to my desk and I plopped down finishing the report on the last patient. My door creaked open. "Hello doctor Kim~" I smiled at the voice. "Come in Doctor Yoon" I smiled and looked up to him. "All ready to go?" He asked stepping closer to me. "Yep! Time to go see Mia and Gaeul" I took his hand in mine. "But first..." Jihoo leaned over and placed a gentle peck on my lips. "I'll never get tired of that" he smiled and walked with me out of the clinic.

Jihoo opened the door to the porridge shop and allowed me to step in first to see Mia on a table sobbing. "Mia?" I ran over to her concerned. "Mia? What's wrong?" I asked. "M-my building is closing down.... I won't have a place to live" she cried. My arms wrapped around the girl and held her. "I'm sorry to hear that Mia" I said honestly. "What am I going to do?" She sobbed. "Well... I live by myself, and there has been plenty of times it has gotten lonely" Gaeul spoke up. "How about you come live with me?" She asked Mia. "I wouldn't be a burden on you, would I?" Mia questioned sitting up and showing her red, puffy, tear stained face. "Nonsense, come on, lets go help ya move, coming along?" I glanced at Jihoo who shrugged and smiled at me. "Sure, we could help"

After a few hours of packing and loading into Jihoo's car and Mia's car, we finally finished moving Mia's belongings. "And here's the last box" I said handing it to her. "Thanks, you guys don't know how grateful I am" Mia smiled and bowed politely. "Don't mention it" Jihoo smiled as he wrapped one arm around my waist. "So we will see you tomorrow?" Gaeul smiled. "Not tomorrow, we're expected 20 people with appointments and that's not even thinking of how many walk in patients we will have" I said yawning. "So tomorrow is busy for you two eh? I guess we will see you guys when ever you get a break" Mia smiled. "Yeah, we've got to go, bye" Jihoo took my hand and led me out. "Bye!~"

"Cho..." my eyes looked up to Jihoo. "Yes, sunbae?" I asked as to why he called me. "F4 hasn't hung out too much lately, so we were wanting to plan a trip. We have one set for 3 days from now, would you like to come?" He questioned. "Where would we be going?" I started asking the basics. "New Caledonia" "new what a who now?" I had never heard of such a place. "New Caledonia, it's a pretty island, you'll like it, trust me.... so will you come?" He asked once more. "Sure, sounds fun"

Guardian Angel: F4 Yoon Jihoo fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora