Part 9

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Junpyo's words replayed in my head. "What could he mean by that?" My thoughts turned into mumbling. I walked towards the front door and slipped my shoes on. "Where are you going, Cho?" Jihoo asked. "Just for a walk, I'll be back in a few, call me if you need me" I smiled then walked out of the house.

My eyes focused on the sidewalk as I took my steps. I thought I heard something behind me, I turned my head and saw 3 men in suits behind me. 'Oh no' I thought then started running. The men had heavy steps as they chased behind me sounding like a stampede. One of them grabbed my wrist. "Let her go!" I heard a voice. "Mr. Yoon!" One of the men uttered shocked. "I said let her go." He said again. The grip on my wrist was released and I ran to Jihoo. "You ok, Cho?" Jihoo asked as he held me. I nodded into his chest as tears filled my eyes. "Why are you three still here?!" Jihoo yelled out before the scrambling of feet was heard. "Come on let's go home"

I sat on my bed holding my knees thinking about everything. I took my necklace pendant into my hand and opened the locket. Inside I saw a picture of me and my father and on the other side engraved were the words "spread your wings and be free my butterfly" tears filled my eyes as I looked at the necklace. "Thank you for Jihoo..... he's the best angel you could've sent me appa " I sniffled. "I miss you dad" I said looking towards the window. "What happened to him if you don't mind me asking?" My eyes landed on Jihoo leaning on my door frame. My eyes met the floor and I sighed. "When I was 14, my father was in Tokyo for a business trip, meeting up with some colleagues... they went out to get dinner together and my father's car was hit by a drunk driver. The car flipped and instantly killed the colleagues, My dad was taken to the hospital in critical condition. When I arrived at his hospital, he smiled at me and said 'spread your wings and be free, my butterfly' and those were his last words, right after he said that, he was gone" I explained. "I'm sorry to hear that..... but I know how you feel...." Jihoo replied sitting beside me. "Did he give you that necklace?" I nodded at his question. "It was my 10th birthday gift, he explained to me then that I should get out in the world and stop being an immobile caterpillar but rather be a social butterfly." Jihoo nodded. "Butterflies are notorious for never wanting to stay still, also they're famous for beauty" Jihoo smiled before getting up. "I know a good restaurant near by, shall we go eat?" Jihoo offered before facing me again. I nodded, "just let me get ready first" I said offering a small and simplistic smile. Jihoo flashed a smile at me "okay" he said before walking out of my room.

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