Part 19

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The following morning I got up and walked back to the same ramen restaurant. "Ah there you are! I was waiting for you Cho!" The woman greeted. I smiled and bowed. "Hello Miss Inyoung" I greeted back. "Ready for work?" She handed me an apron and hair net. I smiled and put them on. "Go turn on the open sign and I'll guide you throughout the day." I did as she said and turned on the sign and stood by her ready for people to come in. I turned on the tv and saw Junpyo appear on the screen. "Gu Junpyo and his sister Junhee are furious with Shinhwa group Chairwoman. "She's a disgrace to the family name" Junpyo remarked. Nothing has been explained as to why the siblings are unhappy but whatever it is must be serious" I looked away from the screen and sighed. "They must have found out..." I mumbled under my breath. "Honey can you help me with these veggies?" Inyoung asked me. "Yes ma'am" I replied cheerfully then walked to her.

My money from today sat before me on my blanket. Including tips I had made barely enough for food and rent. I smiled contently and scraped my money into a jar and set it on the shelf. My hand grasped my pendant around my neck and I smiled. "Life isn't too bad, I have my own money that I'm making, and I have my own place. I don't feel like a burden to anyone...." I stopped as soon as I said that. Memories of Jihoo flooded my brain. "I miss him dad... I left your guardian angel behind.... I couldn't help it, it was for the best..." I sighed and sat down on my blanket. The bed at Jihoo's house was comfier than a blanket on the floor. I fell on to my back and stared at the ceiling. "I want to go back" tears filled my eyes and escaped as I fell asleep

Guardian Angel: F4 Yoon Jihoo fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن