Part 4

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"So what kind of doctor do you want to be?" Jihoo asked me as we drove together. "Pediatrician, I want to help kids... I absolutely love kids" I smiled. "Have you been doing well on your exams?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. "I've passed everyone so far, I only have a few left to go until I'm licensed" he smiled. "So only a few months left for you? Do you have any places in mind where you would like to apply?" I shook my head as a no. "I haven't thought about applying yet, I figured I'll start looking after I get my license." I mumbled. "Well let me know if you need a job after you graduate, I could help you" Jihoo smiled and slowed down the car. "Thank you" I said as we arrived at the front of my house. "Anytime, and about the red card thing, Junpyo said tomorrow everything will be like it never existed, now are you sure you don't need any help getting around with your injuries?" I turned to face him and smiled "I'm sure, I just have some scrapes and bruises, I'm not disabled" I giggled. "I'll see you around then" I opened the car door. "Cho?" I stopped and faced him. "Yes sunbae?" "Feel free to hang out with us, you seem pretty cool, I'm sure the guys would agree on wanting to get to know you" he smiled. I nodded then got out waving at his car as he drove away. My feet pivoted turning me towards my home. My window at my room glowed, indicating my light was on.... when it shouldn't be. I walked up the drive way. "Don't you dare step foot in this house again Cho!!" My mothers voice boomed as my window flew open. "It's all over the news! How dare you go to the house of Goo Joonpyu?!" She leaned her head out the window, anger was painted on her face. "People think we're creating an alliance with those scum bags!" she yelled. "Firstly his name is Gu Junpyo! Secondly, I didn't choose to go there-" "I don't want to hear it Cho! Never come back here again!" And with that being said my belongings came flying out the window landing on the ground. "You are never allowed back here again!" Tears filled my eyes and overflowed, streaming down my face. I crouched down and picked up the gym bag and two suitcases filled with my belongings. I knew mother hated me, I never imagined she would kick me out though. I walked back down the driveway and out the gate. My feet carried me who knows where. I eventually found an empty bus bench where I sat down and cried. I fell on to my back on the bench and looked at the stars. "Why did you marry her of all people father?" I questioned between sniffling before I fell asleep in the cold on the metal bench.

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