BLINK ~ Happy Birthday

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"Falling Jo Hyun Ah"

Walking with our hands clasped together, I kept on thinking what Kai had in store for me. I mean, I was already happy with what we've done earlier. He didn't have to do anything else. He's being so sweet that I know I have to do something for him. My mind was reeling... I don't even know what to give him that he would need or even something he wanted that he doesn't already have.

Thinking about it now... I know all Kai's little habits and things he wants doing daily or even in a certain hour or minute but I now realize that I still have a long way to go before I truly know him completely and I'm afraid I don't have much time to do so.

"We're almost there... aren't you excited?" Kai suddenly asked as we made our way to a dark secluded area.

I laughed... did he need any confirmation from me? He knew how my heart reacted to him, that's all he needed to know. My heart raced a lot when I'm with him.

"You know I am." I told him.
"Good... I'm excited too." Kai said, making me giggle. Isn't he cute?

Asking would be the first to do when you want to know something, right? So I did just that... I feel kind of random doing this so I hope Kai doesn't notice. I want to surprise him too. It's the least I could do for him giving me the whole world every single time we are together.
"Kai... if you wish to have something very special. What would you want?"

Kai was quiet for a while, thinking on the question seriously which made me happy. He's really thinking about it.
"Well... I'm pretty content at the moment."
"You don't want anything at all? Try something out of the box or anything spontaneous and all that?"
"Hmmm... if you put it that way then I would want all of YOU and wrapped with a pretty ribbon."

My eyes widen... what did he just say?
"You know you already have me."
"I know." Kai said but he stopped himself from saying anymore... why?

My boyfriend here is so hard to decipher. My mind has been trying to decode what he meant. He wanted ALL of ME? He already has that right? I mean... what else is there to give? Ugh my head is hurting with all this thinking. Maybe I should ask for Stacey's expertise. She's better than me with all this boyfriend and girlfriend things.

It has been driving me crazy all throughout our walk.

We both easily made our way back home. Kai easily helps me out of my coat before he removes his. Toeing off our shoes and walked our way to the living room. Kai made me sit comfortably on the couch.
"Close your eyes." Kai ordered and I immediately did so. I didn't even question it. I closed my eyes and waited. I wonder what this is all about. I swear if this is another necklace or any other kind of jewelry, I am going to freak. I don't need all of that. I just want him to stay with me.

I am a very simple minded girl but with Kai? I don't think anything will every be simple or easy. I just know that we both had to be strong if we wanted to be together.

"Are your eyes still closed?" Kai asked from somewhere around the room... I wasn't too sure since I still had my eyes closed. What was he up to?
"Yeah... what are you up to?" I told him, my eyes pushing me to take a peek but I resisted like the good girlfriend I am. Kai took effort for what this is all about so I am going to make sure I don't mess it up. Closing your eyes is easy... you just have to keep your temptations under wraps.

I could hear my father's antique clock dinging 12 times. I've always hated it, it scared me. Making me remember all those scary movies I used to watch as a kid. They all had those weird clocks. Why they wanted something like that? I don't know. Jeez the whole thing must've been older than Nana's mother or something. But now as I counted the dings signifying that it was twelve... I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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