D.O.'s Fall

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9:01 am Denver, Colorado

March 20, 2016

I could not hear, what was happening?

I tried opening my eyes to see an open flame, falling, falling, falling, falling but away from me. The speed made me close my eyes again, I am so exhausted.

The next thing I know, I could hear cracks being formed... how I knew? I did not know. How I heard? I did not know also. But the cracks were the least of my worries because terror screams had turned me deaf for a while and the screams did not stop.


I recovered when it was quiet enough. I sat up from where I was lying down to see that I was in a huge crater about 6 to 7 feet deep.

It looked like something foreign like a meteor piece had fallen in creating it but looking from where I was... I think I was that foreign piece.

Where am I?

What is going on?

Who am I?

I stood up and dusted my clothes from the rubble and I carefully walked out of the crater. I breathe in to cringe at the weird smell of the air, wherever I was, I was definitely not at home anymore.

Who am I?


Who was that?

I looked around to see no one around. Who had said that?

"D.O. remember me?"

A soothing angelic voice... who?

Flashes of sweet smelling flowers, long soft hair and warm beautiful smiles reminded me who was talking.


"That is right. You need to remember your brothers. You need to find them!!"

Brothers? I have brothers?

Before I could ask anymore questions, static immediately interrupted my mind and I fell down to my knees clutching my aching head. What is that?

I was able to breathe heavily when the static was gone and I was able to stand myself up again. There, I looked at my surroundings. How very peculiar, this place.

I was standing on fresh cut grass... a big field of some sorts, with 2 Y shapes at opposite sides and the grass had white paint on them. Hm... weird, where were all the flowers?


"D.O." I said, testing the name in my mouth.

Yes indeed, D.O is my name. It held a certain familiarity... Mama, I am afraid. I cannot remember anything, not of me or of these brothers you talk of. I do not understand. This is so frustrating!

Before I could hurt my head anymore, I heard someone scream.

"Help! Please! Anyone please help me!"

I looked around me, that did not sound like Mama and the voice sounded scared and in distress.

She kept on screaming for help and I figured that the screaming came from the weird looking structure that was falling apart slowly but it was still falling. Now why would someone be in there? Only an idiot would be, that is what.

I decided to check it out, I was not one to turn down anyone who wanted or needed help.

I ran towards the weird structure.

"Miss?"I said, getting used to the language she had used. I did not know how I know how to speak their tongue but I did and in the back of my mind... it was oddly familiar. I can faintly remember someone of the dark teaching me these foreign tongues... of what? I do not understand or know.

"I'm here! Help me!" She responded to my call.

With whatever instinct I have, I was able to locate her easily but with it, it was not easy.

There were sparks of lightning of some sorts that came from the tops of the structure that created fire.

Fire and Lightning.

How familiar and yet so, faintly remembered. Why? What does fire and lightning even mean?

"Hurry! Please! It hurts!" She said crying, I bet.

She sounded desperate, and though I was deeply annoyed that she had the nerve to demand as such from me, I knew this was a matter of life and death to her so I did what I was able told and hurried. Structures and debris were falling but with my instincts, I was able to dodge easily but the flames were getting to me and I know for sure that it was getting to her.

From the scent of this place, all I can say to this place that it reeked of human, What is human? I cannot remember well enough to answer my frustrated mind.

After a few obstacles and hindrances here and there, I found a girl, crying. She had soot covered clothes, her hair was all over the place and her face had dirt and tear stains. She had blood on the right side of her forehead. It looked bad but that was the least of her worries, really.

She screamed

"I'm over here!"

I ran to her aid to see her just sitting there

"I'm stuck." She said, pointing at her leg that was probably being crushed by this metallic weird structure of some sort.

I grabbed it with my hands.

"Be careful, it's heavy." She said.

But we were both shocked when I had lifted it with ease. I wasted no time in carrying her in my arms and running out. I could here the structure starting to collapse on us so I ran faster and with only survival in my mind, a certain power over took me.

"Yes D.O, use your power."

Mama encouraged me that what I was about to do was not anything stupid or outrageous.

I put my left fist up and punched the wall to get through.

As expected, the wall crumbled and the whole structure collapsed but not before I made it out with the girl.

I ran and ran, to see flashing weird lights of different colors blind my eyes.

The girl stared at me with shock written all over her face. "How did you do that?"

Before I could answer her, someone took her from me, I was about to make a fuss but I could see they were not trying to harm her.

I knelt down, feeling tired all of a sudden and as I did, a pendant fell from my shirt.

It was a necklace, I stared at the pendant.


An I and an X

What does that even mean?

I could not finish the thoughts running in my mind as I fainted.

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