BLINK ~ Doggy Days

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"The Way Ariana Grande"

The hand holding was non-stop.

Kai did it even without our friends nearby.

We were walking around town looking around and Kai's hand was firmly entwined with mine while we did so. We weren't holding hands earlier so when he grabbed mine and laced our fingers... I blushed deeply.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" Kai suddenly asked and I was confused for a moment on what he was referring to but Kai gave my hand a squeeze so I know he's talking about our hand holding.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" Kai suddenly asked and I was confused for a moment on what he was referring to but Kai gave my hand a squeeze so I know he's talking about our hand holding

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I contemplated if I was going to tell him the truth or lie to save face but I don't think I could ever lie to Kai now. That's how much I trust him. There was no turning back from this feeling and admittedly... I don't want to.

"I... no i-its quite the opposite actually. It's deeply comforting." I said, stuttering again. Damn why does that always happen... it never happens! I'm a good talker really... I can talk for hours! But with Kai? I'm a puddle of goo all flustered and disoriented.

Kai smiled that wide smile making me gawk like a stupid... a stupid something!

Thankfully, it was Kai who said something... covering my lack of anything to say.
"Good because I like holding your hand. It makes me feel lightheaded and invincible."

I gasped... what did he mean by that?

No... don't think too much about it. Just go with the flow, let the wind take you to your destination... that's what they say right?

"Is that weird?" Kai asked, looking hesitant so I frowned because I know he only hesitated because of my quiet reaction.

I swear I open my trap and talk nonsense all the time but when I need to talk I'm stunned silent.

It's the Kai Effect.

I shook my head and smiled reassuringly at him and said with a squeeze on his hand this time for good measure.
"No it isn't."
"It feels foreign... I cannot describe it." Kai said looking frustrated.
"You don't have to... some feelings are just better being shown than being said."

Kai smiled as we happily walked on the sidewalk, looking at the shops we passed. Kai's eyes sparkled as he looked at the different stalls and people walking with their loved ones.

I'm still a bit hot and flustered from our talk earlier when I saw a poster that I might need. The poster was stapled on a tree, it said they were looking for an employee to take care of dogs. It didn't need any experience as long as you loved dogs... seems easy enough.

I punched in the contact number and address in my phone, hmmm the place was nearby. I think I might have walked around the vicinity.

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