Chanyeol's Fall

63 13 12


5:12 pm Phoenix, Arizona

March 30, 2016

Ugh. Wh-what is happening??

Am I dead???

Am I on my way to a cold place?

Oh no.

This must be my punishment for all the wrong doings I have done in my life.

For every secret fart I have done in my life without the consent of others.

Just jesting.

But seriously?

Where am I?

I cannot open my eyes, they feel really heavy as if I slept for a millennium.

I can feel warmth of the sunlight and the blowing summer breeze touching my skin.

I can feel comfort on the grass where I am lying down. I am extremely comfortable. I think I feel like dozing real quick.

I must be somewhere outside, I guess.



What is that?

What is this?

Where am I now?

I feel so hot.




It was just a dream.

That frightened me. Why did I have such a dream?

It was disturbing and yet comforting too. I do not understand.

Stupid dream disturbing me from my sleep.


Time to rise, Chanyeol... Ah yes, Chanyeol.

That is my name.

That is me.

As I decided to wake up, I then realized there was something covering my face.

I removed it from my face, what is this?


It is a headdress.

The sky gave me a beautiful sight that I had to smile.

Ah, the sky is so beautiful. The sky is just so... Blue.

I sat up where I was lying down on earlier and I am on what I suppose is a corn or a rice field that has just been harvested.

No, actually it looks like a grass field that is really dry and abandoned. I see no sign of care and affection for this poor unfortunate field.

I look around this weird place.

Where am I?

Where am I?

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