BLINK ~ I Surrender

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"Shower Becky G"

I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt something moving next to me which shouldn't be. The room was completely dark but I could see the whole room with only a little difficulty because the almost full moon was lighting up the room.

I noticed that I was on my bed with covers on me. I don't remember going to bed... Kai might have carried me to our room. I checked my clothes... having that 'movie' feeling that he might have changed my clothes for me. I didn't know if I was going to be relieved or disappointed that I still remained in the clothes I had changed into back at Jacque's. Contemplating for a while, I decided that I should be relieved because Kai was a gentleman.

Yup I really should be RELIEVED.

A gasp got caught in my throat when I felt shuffling next to me but relaxed to see that it was no stranger. It was Kai sleeping next to me and under the covers as well. What was he up to? WhY is he next to me and on my bed?!

I was flustered... this is the first time we have ever slept next to each other. We weren't touching, he was on his side and me on the other but the fact that he was only inches away from me doesn't escape me. I'm such an idiot... this means nothing.

It doesn't make me any less tense or that my heart can't just quiet down from it erratic beating. Ssshhhh please.

I could only hope though.

My hand twitched as I looked at Kai, he's so beautiful. I don't think I have ever called a guy beautiful before but he truly was. No words can be enough to describe how beautiful he was, he just is. He had a peaceful look about him, he was sleeping on his front with his face towards me. He had on that pout on his lips while he breathe deeply... I just noticed that it's been a while since I woke up earlier than him. He was always last to sleep and the first to wake up so it's a novelty for me to see him sleeping, the first and last time I have ever seen him do so was when we first met.

Who would have thought that it has been a while since then?

I never expected to have lasted this long. I never thought he would stay... he had other duties and obligations. I guess I wasn't much help that's why he's still here.

Just watching him like this was unnerving, I wanted to touch him... just to make sure he was real. That I wasn't dreaming this all up.

I couldn't stop myself anymore, I positioned myself on my side and placed a hand in Kai's hair wondering if it was as silky smooth as it looked and I wasn't disappointed, I started to play with his hair a bit, caressing it and then giving a gentle scratch to his scalp that Kai groaned at. I wasn't sure if it was a bad or good sign but when Kai started moving towards me, I guessed that he liked it.

A smile made its way to my lips... he's just too cute. He's just too good for anyone... even for me.

I started panicking when Kai kept on moving towards me. We were only inches away and his face too which made me giddy but also scared. I don't know what I'll do with a tempting invitation. I decided to calm myself, I didn't want Kai to wake up. He had done so before because of my heart beat... he said it was also an indicator for him so I tried to steady it. I didn't want to wake him.

When I settled down, I decided that being next to Kai was nice and before I knew it... I was fast asleep again.

I woke up all giddy and like a 'girl' which I am by the way but my friends often tell me that I don't act like one most of the time due to me being all 'I don't care' and hype while Stacey was all things girly. Trevor and Oliver liked me as I am since they could act casually with me unlike Stacey. She feels like she's left out sometimes which I feel when she's around other boys or girls that 'matter' and who could make or break you in high school. Not that I care, all I care about is passing school and going to a good college that would help me set a brighter future for myself and all that stuff that parents and teachers throw at you which is true. You don't get to anywhere you want to be if you don't work for it.

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