BLINK ~ Lock up My Heart

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"Love Like This SS501"

Mia Kavanagh

It's been a week and a few days since Kai and I had our first date. And nothing has ever been the same. Gone were the barriers and walls and there were no secrets between us. Kai didn't have to guess anymore because if I didn't want something or if there was anything wrong, I would tell him immediately well except for the chicken thing.

I managed to eat something aside from chicken but like Kai, I can also see how Kai was disappointed that I didn't share the same enthusiasm as him with chicken.

Don't get me wrong I love chicken, it's just that enough was really enough! But I love Kai so what the heck, chicken it is then. I swear I will grow chicken wings with all the chicken I've been eating these past months.

Kai is an angel and a demon all wrapped in one. He would open doors, kiss me goodnight and goodbye when he leaves. He brings me a bar of chocolate everyday when he comes home and he is the perfect gentleman even in front of my friends where the boys can learn a thing or two about how to woo a girl properly. He was all things sweet and nice but it's not like that all the time.

Kai gets these moments where he can't keep his hands to himself. He'd continuously grab my hand, put his arm around my shoulders or put a hand on my leg. He'd be shameless about it! I wasn't opposed to it as it might seem but it was still embarrassing. This kinds of actions and stuff were all new to me as much as him so I'm just confused and all over the place.

There were times where I would mess up, Kai would too but rare, compared to me but we did make mistakes and it was alright. We weren't perfect and we needed to learn what worked for us.

I am in total bliss especially when I remembered my birthday is coming in a few days! I am rarely excited with my birthdays since I spend most of it alone with a big ass check from my parents that would let me buy a lot of things and a birthday card that spout out the birthday song whenever you open the card. It was always a Hallmark card and nothing else. No, written context just a Happy birthday that Hallmark printed for me.

It was always spent with just Nana but I didn't complain because she'd bake me the largest birthday cake with all the sprinkles in the batter itself so when you cut into it, there'd be different colors in the vanilla cake. The frosting was perfect too. She'd sing me happy birthday, with the loudest voice so that I would feel like I had a lot of people spending it with me. She would give me a dress she had sown herself as a gift and I treasured that deeply.

Things got a lot better when I met Stacey and the boys. They never made my birthdays dull, it was either Oliver lighting his hair on fire, Trevor inhaling helium from the balloons making his voice squeaky while he told everyone the traits he deemed the reason why we were friends or Stacey accidentally shoving her face on half of my cake. Believe it or not, those accidents and funny moments had happened twice. Trevor does it every time, said it was tradition.

Things are different now, I have one more person to celebrate it with and I am happy I can spend it with him even if it could be the first and last time I could.

Negative! I am thinking too negatively and its not good. He's with me. He's mine and for now, I'm happy. I shouldn't hurry and think such thoughts.

I'm quite mad at them though. Nana is just visiting now since her daughters needed her and I understand completely. I mean I am a lot older than some of them and they need their mother more than I do, although I did treat her like my own mother. She wasn't mine to keep and I can take care of myself now. I wasn't that helpless little girl before. I still cried a lot but at least this time around, I can handle it.

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