BLINK ~ Crazy for You

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"Making A Love SS501"

I stared at him and I felt the sudden urge to kiss him. It was the perfect set up, a romantic setting like some movie. It was beautiful... his face was illuminated by the sunset giving him an ethereal glow.

It wasn't me who moved closer but I really didn't mind. I just want him to kiss me, fast. I didn't care if I was eager because I really was.

I was about to reprimand and complain but his lips finally met mine in a searing kiss. This time, it felt like we were in slow motion. This was more loving and passionate, unlike our first kiss which was more primal and longing.

Kai moved slowly, savoring our deep kiss. A hand was at the back of my head pulling me towards him, making sure I didn't pull away.

Not a chance.

Kai said, in between our kisses.
"Do. You. Believe. Me. Now?"
"What?" I mumbled, dazed.

What did he just say? What did he exactly mean? Why was he asking me now when I am totally happy and content? Way to ruin the mood.

Kai chuckled, he moved away from me and I was so against the idea I pouted. He was making zero sense today.
"Do you believe me?" Kai said again, his smile could light the whole island if he wanted. That's how radiant he looked right now.
"I'm still going to answer you with a question, what?" I told him, confused.
"Only you." Kai whispered, making me take in a deep breath.

Don't get ahead of yourself... label! You always need labels in a relationship, so you won't assume and disappoint yourself.

"So... what are we now?" I whispered... afraid of what I might hear.

Yeah we kissed a few times but sometimes those kisses don't mean anything just like how guys can suddenly have sex with you and just forget. If that wasn't scary enough, what were a few kisses, right?

Kai smiled and he took my hands, playing with my fingers.
"We're an item. I'm your boyfriend and you're my girlfriend but this time, it's real. I can hold your hand and kiss you if I want to without you thinking I was only doing it to cover for our relationship. I may not be a mind reader but I know you. I can hear the gears overworking in your head... you shouldn't worry too much. Just me and you... us."

I nodded my head with a smile and said, happier than I'll ever be.

"I looked into the whole relationship thing. There were a lot of different kinds and I want you to choose what kind of guy you like and I'll imitate them for you." Kai said, giving my cheeks light caresses.

"You don't have to change for me. I like you because you're Kai. I don't care what you do as my boyfriend... I'm just happy you're mine." I told him, with a smile.

"I was always yours. This time, there are no walls between us. You and I."

Kai pulled me towards him for another kiss, it was our first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend for real... we couldn't have pick a better location. Yes Paris would have been great too, London as well but Hawaii? It was great, I wouldn't mind the most deserted island as long as Kai is with me... I'd be the happiest woman in the world or the whole universe.

"We should go, it's getting too chilly for you." Kai said holding on to my hand and then placing a lingering kiss on the back.

Kai gave me a smile and we walked to the where the shadows lurked so we could disappear without anyone taking notice.

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