BLINK ~ Bathroom Maddness

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"C.R.A.Z.Y. 4 Minute"

I stared at the window where I saw the man earlier, willing him to show himself and confirm to me that I'm not crazy.

Am I crazy?

I can't be...

Why am I being redundant?

I must be crazy!

My mind was going haywire, thinking of all the possibilities. How could this happen? To me specifically! I was already a nobody, I didn't need something else like this!

I wasn't going to allow myself to give up on this or budge from my place but someone broke my reverie.
"Hey, what the hell are you still doing here? There's no overtime in school idiot." Stacey said, appearing out of nowhere.
I took in a deep breath so I wouldn't let my anger talk but I just couldn't help myself. Once I'm angry, it's hard not to be.
"You don't get good grades for not being present either Stacey." I rebutted, while stuffing my things in my bag. She is totally making me angrier... I didn't think it was possible but now I wasn't doubting myself. I can still get angrier than this.
"Still mad at me?" She asked while making that face of hers again.
"Maybe." I told her as I glanced back at the window and still... no man there.

She was lucky I was preoccupied with that strange man or I would have gone Hulk on her. Angry wouldn't even begin to describe me right now.

I checked the top building for a number of times but there was no man there... not a single one.

Hmmm... I must've imagined it then.

I paid it no mind afterwards, but I wasn't able to concentrate on my classes either. Apart from me being dead tired, the curiosity got to me. I don't put myself down or anything like that but my imagination isn't as wide as I liked it to be. I wish it was though... maybe this is my break through or something? I doubt it though.

"Mia? You okay? You seem so out of it." Oliver asked as he gave me a subtle whisper while we were in calculus. He looked really worried. Was I really as troublesome as it seems? I didn't want to worry them but it's good that only Oliver has taken notice because if neither Trevor or Stacey notices something then it's pretty serious.
"Yup... just tired." I said, with an exasperated sigh. Trying hard to downplay what I was really feeling which was CRAZY!

Oliver dismissed me after my reasonable answer and proceeded to listen to class... I couldn't focus though. I felt so out of it the whole period.

When it was time for lunch, I didn't even have the strength to eat but I was so curious that I made my way at the very top of the building where I saw the strange man fall down earlier.

I looked around but there was no sign of him... not even a tiny hint or something weird, nothing. Everything feels normal, nothing amiss.

Hmph it must be my imagination then.

I decided to snooze at the rooftop, this was my sleep deprived mind pushing me to accept so I just need to get it to sleep so I'll be more logical in thinking. I blame Stacey for the shitty day I've been having.

Yup, it's her fault.

The rooftop had a nice breeze and a make shift garden like patio. All the rooftops have these botany beauties and big ass fences that where at least 7 feet tall or something that would prevent anyone from doing suicide or at least to prevent accidents.

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