Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dinner went just like I thought it would that night.  There was talk of new developments in some of the Divisions, but mostly the conversation was aimed at me.  I guess I didn’t really mind, though.  And when it was over and everyone had left – Orion, Fynn, and Ace each gave me long hugs as they left; Orion’s hands seemed to brush up against a little too much of my bare skin – Arianna instructed for Kade to lead me upstairs.  And with his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched, he did.

And in the month and a half after I came to live in the Slayter house, I realized that dinners like that would happen once every week.  I’d had to dress up in something from my closet, Bailey picking out ever one.  And when the dinners were over – Kade having either glared or ignored me for the entire thing because of something that might have happened in training that day – Bailey would be in my room to help me out of them. 

“If you don’t need anything else, I’ll be going,” Bailey said, coming back out of the closet.

“Thank you for everything,” I said. 

“You’re welcome,” she said, smiling.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

When she shut the door behind her, I listened for her footsteps to go down the stairs but they went in a totally different direction.  Instead she went in the direction of Kade’s room. 

At first, I thought of probably the worst thing that I was able.  Maybe Kade had really gotten over me…with someone else.  Did Slayter and Arianna know that he was with one of the household staff?  Did they even care, knowing what their son was capable of?  Probably not.

It really didn’t surprise me that he would have picked her.  She would be considered pretty in anyone’s book, including mine.  But it still pained me to know that it was true.  Kade didn’t want me anymore. 

When I heard the door open, close, and then it being locked, I sat down on the bed, my mind completely blank.  I didn’t want to listen to whatever they were going to do, but I couldn’t help it.

“So does she have it now?” Kade asked.

Hold on, I thought.  What’s going on?  What were they talking about?

“She has it now,” Bailey said.  “It’s still the same, I think.  Your mother gave it to her a month and a half ago, the first night when she was here.  She didn’t wear it then, though.  You haven’t noticed it? ”

“She never wears it when we’re training.  I don’t know about dinners, though,” he said.

“That’s because you’re too busy glaring at her most of the time.  I’ve seen the way you look at her,” Bailey said.  “Since I’m her personal aide now, I’ll be able to keep an eye on things.”

“Well, you do know we’re leaving the morning after the gala,” Kade said.

“I know,” she said.  “I’m not going to be here either.  Your mother said that since Rayney was going to be gone, I get a day or two off until you get back.  I’m going to go visit a friend on the other side of the City.”

“You mean…?”

“Yeah,” she said.  “They don’t know I’m with you also, though.”

“And they don’t need to know.  No one but the two of us needs to know.”

“I won’t tell anyone,” she said.  “You know I won’t.”

I heard her turn then, and the door unlocked and opened.  She walked out and down the hallway toward the stairs, the way that she should have gone instead of going to Kade’s room. 

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