Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“This next room is how we know absolutely ever move the Directrix makes,” Luke said as we walked down another short hallway that lead out of the weapons room. 

“I thought Roth was the one who got your information,” Xander said.

“Yeah, but this is for everything else that he couldn’t get,” he said.  “All of the technical stuff.”

“Like what?” I asked as we stopped at the end of the hall where a door was.

“You’ll see,” he said, smiling, and opened the door.

At first all I saw was darkness when we walked into the room.  But then there was a flash of bluish-green light and I turned and my jaw dropped.

One entire wall was just a screen, but separated into ten different screens.  There were two that we on the far sides of it.  On the left one was a list of all the weapons and supplies of what looked like both the Directrix and Division Sixteen and the right one had a list of all of the Guards and the coordinates of where they were currently.  The eight screens between the two were smaller – about three feet in length and width – and had different information and radar systems on them. 

The top three were of all the Divisions and their current statuses.  The two in the middle had all the current commands of the Directrix and a radar system for all of the Directrix’s ground vehicles and helicopters.  The bottom three had a radar system for Division Sixteen’s helicopters, blueprints of all the weaponry and security cameras for Division Sixteen. 

But that’s not all that was in the room.  There were two long desks that spanned out across the room, five computers on each of them.  In two of those chairs were Eli and Roth.  They didn’t turn around as we walked in.  They were looking at something on one of the computer screen in front of them.  It looked like some kind of new weapon.

They seemed to finally realize that we were in there because they were closing out of the program and turning around in their chairs. 

“So what do you think?” Eli asked, standing up.

“How did you get all of this?” Rowan asked.  “Or should I ask how did you get it to work?”

“When the Directrix shut down Division Sixteen, they didn’t take any of the stuff that was in it,” he said.

“That’s kind of stupid,” I said.  “Did they think that someone might get in and us their stuff against them one day?”

“Isn’t that what you’re doing right now?” Kade asked as he and Xander walked closer to the screen.

Kade reached out and gently touched the screen that had the blueprints of some of the Directrix’s weapons and helicopters.  The image on the smaller screen suddenly blew up so that it was taking up most of the wall screen.  He and Xander both took a step back, their eyes wide. 

Luke laughed.  “Yes, it’s touch screen, like most of the Directrix’s equipment.  It’s actually quite useful when you need to look up close at something.  Like this for example,” he said, touching what looked like the blueprint for some kind of jet.  “It’s a prototype for a new jet they’re building.  We haven’t seen any out, but we know they have them.”

“They were in the hangar next to Central Headquarters,” I said, looking at the image on the screen. 

“They have them.  They just haven’t used them,” Roth said, coming over to stand beside Rowan.  “They haven’t had a good enough reason to use them yet.”

“What’s on all the other screens?” Rowan asked.

“Quite a few things actually,” Luke said, pressing his hand on an arrow on the screen.  It went back to the ten slit screens.  He walked over to the far left one and pressed on it.  “This on tells us all that the Directrix has of their weapons and supplies.”

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