Chapter 15

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Russell spent the morning with the Keeper of the Gardens 'working his ass off' as Sandy would have put it. Xavier was tall kid with brown hair. For some odd reason he smelt like cooking flour. He just showed Russell the ropes until he could start working on his own. Weeding, pruning, planting, etc. He didn't like it, Russell hated it just as much as the bloodhouse.

Russell and Xavier were weeding a long row of corn when Russell decided it was a good time to ask questions.

"Xavier," Russell began.

Xavier looked up from his work.

"What is it Rosie?" Xavier asked.

"How many keepers are there?  And what are the job options?" Russell asked.

"You got the builders, sloppers, baggers, cooks, map makers, medjacks, and blood housers. And I dont know probably a few more. Pretty much keep track of my own stuff," Xavier said.

Most of the jobs were self explanatory, but Russell wondered what a couple of them were.

"What's a slopper?" Russell asked.

"It's what twigs do that cant do anything else. Clean the bathroom,
Showers, kitchen, and dishes," Xavier said.

Russell felt a pang of sorrow for Sammy. He felt sorry for her. She tried to be everyone's friend, but no one seemed to care. Except for Tobey. She cares about everyone.

"What about the baggers?"

Xavier smirked. "Those are the creepy ones. They take care of dead people and act as the police around here."

Russell had a lot more questions. Lots more. Sammy and everyone else never gave him answers to anything. Xavier, however, did. Russell suddenly didn't feel like talking anymore. For some reason, the boy and girl popped up in his mind again. He drew a breath and told himself to work.

By the time midafternoon came, Russell was ready to collapse from exhaustion. He soon saw Sandy waiting by the entrance. Russell walked up and saw she was crying. Sammy walked by too.

"What's wrong with her?" Russell asked.

"I don't know, why dont you go ask her?" Sammy said.

"I can hear every word you guys are saying," Sandy called in a loud voice. "No wonder people hate sleeping next to you twigs."

"Tell us what's wrong," Sammy said.

"Every bloody thing in the universe," Sandy trailed off. "The boy and girl have been mumbling shit in their sleep. I'm telling you, something is bad."

Sandy let out a sigh. "But that's not the only thing that is wrong."

"What? Just spit it out!" Sammy said, clearly impatient.

"Dallas and Romeo should have been back hours ago. I don't know what's going on," Sandy said.

"Can't we just send out a search party?" Russell suggested.

Sandy looked up at the red-haired boy, clearly upset. "No we can't. We'd just be throwing more lives away!"

"But-" Russell got interrupted by a loud yell. The three turned around to see Dallas dragging Romeo. Others ran to the scene yelling.

"C'mon Dallas you can do it!"

"Let him go! We can't save him!"


Russell's body stiffened, then moved forward, squeezing through the tight space. The wall closed behind him. He found himself in the maze.. with Dallas and Romeo.

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