Chapter 10 continued

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Sammy had a hard time getting Russell out of bed, had to drag him to the showers, the dressing room. The whole time Russell felt indifferent, his head was aching, his body wanted more sleep. Breakfast wad a total blur, an hour after eating he didn't remember what he ate. But what he can tell in the Glen, naps were frowned upon. Despite the rough morning, Russell was actually excited to learn more, and for the chance to get his mind off of Robert and the graveyard.

He stoof with Sandy in front of the barn of the bloodhouse, getting ready for his first training session with a keeper. Cows mooed, sheep bleated, and pigs squealed all around. Somewhere close by, a dog barked, making Russell hope that they weren't going to eat actual hot dogs.

"Russell, are you even listening to me?"

Russell snapped out of his daze and focused on Sandy, who'd been talking to him for god knows how long. Russell hadn't heard a word of it.

"Yeah sorry, I just couldn't sleep after what happened," Russell said.

Sandy attempted a pathetic smile. "Can't blame ya there. You went through a lot yesterday. Probably think I am a bitch for making you work today."

Russell shrugged. "It's probably for the best. Anythimg to get my mind off of yesterday."

"You're about ad smart as they come, Russ." Sandy said.

Russell nodded. "What's the news on the boy and girl?" If anything else was on his mind that morning, it was the boy and girl. He wanted to know more about them, understand the odd connection he had with them. Especially the girl.

"They're still in a coma. Medjacks have been spoon feeding them what soups Austin cooks in the kitchen. They seem okay, just dead to the world for now," Sandy said. "But come on, it's time to meet the keeper of the slicers."

They soon went inside the bloodhouse to see a boy with red hair just like Russell, and was muscular like Devin.

"My name's Gabriel," the keeper spoke. "I'm keeper of the slicers." Gabriel showes Russell around the first hour. He wondered where the dog came from, he said that the dog has always been here. He also learned that the dog's name was Growl. He thought the name was a joke because the dog didn't see, to growl that much. The second hour he spent was with the farm animals, feeding, cleaning, fxing a fence, and scraping up shit. The third hour however, was hardest. He had to see Gabriel slaughter a pig. Russell swore two things to himself, first he would never be a slicer and second, that he'd never eat pork ever again.

He walked out of the bloodhouse to see a tall boy that had black hair, sunkissed skin, and muscles run in from the west door. He looked a little older than Russell. He was also soaking wet. He laid down a few feet in. Russell stepped foward, eager to meet the swimmer and ask questions.

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