Chapter 7

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Sandy soon looked over into the box to get a closer look at the two kids. And eventually hopped inside.

"Why don't you tell us what the fuck is down there Sandy!" Devin yelled.

The crowd started to erupt with chatter about what was going on and what Devin just said. Russell was just standing there just as confused as anyone. Just then Romeo yelled at everyone to shut up. 

"What is it?" Romeo called down. 

Sandy looks up to the crowd. "It's both one boy and one girl." 

"What's in that girl's hand?" Romeo asked. 

Sandy took the yellow paper from the girl and started unfolding it.

"It says, the last ones ever," Sandy said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tobey asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it means it doesn't sound good," a female said in response to Tobey. Chatter started up again.

"I think they are dead," Sammy said. 

Sandy shook her head. "No Sam, they are breathing. I think they're in a coma." 

Soon, a group of boys got the rope that was made of ivy and tossed it down to Sandy who tied it around the girl's body and started to lift up. Another rope was tossed so Sandy could climb out. Russell kneeled down to the unconscious girl, it was strange. She seemed very familiar to him along with the boy he saw down in the box. He saw Devin looking at the unconscious girl laced with something dark, it was a sick, lustful fascination. It made Russell more scared of him than he was moments before.

"What's wrong Russ?" Tobey said kneeling down next to him. 

"Nothing. It's just the girl seems so familiar to me," Russell explained. 

"What about the boy?" Tobey asked. 

"He seems familiar to me too," Russell said. 

Soon, a cruel yelling voice shouted. "Hey Tobey, get the fuck away Russell he doesn't need to catch your ugly!" 

"Shut up Devin! I was just asking him a couple questions!" Tobey yelled. Devin came over and pulled Tobey to the side so they could 'talk'. Russell shook his head, he seriously hated how Devin treated Tobey. She didn't deserve one bit of the cruelty that Devin treated her with. He looked back down at the girl, he saw the boy had finally made it up too. The girl and boy both looked alike with their pale skin and brown hair.

"Maybe they are brother and sister," Russell thought. 

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