Chapter 4

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Russell stood at a tree going over what just happened with Devin 30 minutes ago. He seriously hated that Devin guy, he never did anything to him so what did he have against him? He soon slid down to the ground.

"What an asshole," Russell thought to himself.

Soon, the girl that got punched in the face came up to him. She has dirty blonde long hair, brown eyes, and sun kissed skin. She had a partially black eye from being punched by her keeper. She
Sat on the ground as well.

"What's your name?" Russell asked.

"My name's Tobey," she said. "I know it's a boy's name. But its the name I got."

Russell nodded. It was silly that she had a boy's name but he had a feeling that Devin made fun of that constantly so he didn't say anything.

"Why does that guy Devin hate me so much? I mean, I have never seen him before in my life!" Russell said.

"Oh he's an asshole to everyone. Especially me. He bullies me constantly. He put me on the builders because not only am I good at it but to bully me. Fucked up right?" Tobey explained.

Russell nodded. "Yeah, it is. What's the changing?"

Tobey got nervous. "The changing is a very painful unconsciousness that occurs after you're stung by a griever. You get memories back. Not good ones I may add."

"Have you been through the changing?" Russell asks.

Tobey nods. "Yes and I have a memory of who you are, but I am not going to be an ass like Devin is."

Russell smiles. "Well, that's good."

Tobey got up from where she was at and looked down at Russell.

"Don't let Devin get to you. He's nothing but a bully that takes joy in hurting others," She said before walking off.

Sammy runs over to Russell looking really excited. Russell wondered what the girl could be happy about in such a dreadful place.

"Wanna play a practical joke on someone before bed?" Sammy asked.

"Um sure. Why not?" He replied sounding unsure.

Sammy grabbed his hand pulling him up and guided him to the back of the homestead.

"Hey I don't want to get in trouble I just got in there

Sammy was suppressing her laughter with her hands obviously ignoring the comment Russell said. She got onto the box and quietly opened the tiny window that led to the bathroom, it made a squeaking noise. Russell did all he can to press himself on the wall outside the homestead trying to hide.

"Who's that?!" A voice laced with anger yelled.

Russell remembered who it was. It was Devin! Soon without warning Sammy popped her head in and screamed at the top of her lungs. The loud thud in the bathroom and litany of swear words indicated that the prank did indeed work and that Devin was not too happy about it.

"Oooo when I get my hands on you!" Devin growled starting to run out. Sammy got off the box and ran to the open Glen.

As soon as Devin got out, he immediately sees Russell.

"Come here!" He yells pointing.

Russell's heart sank in surrender. He didn't do it!

"I didn't do it!" Russell said.

Devin stood there with his fists clenched. "Wasn't you?" He started to amble up to Russell.

"I remember you, I saw you in the changing I am going to figure out who you are.." Devin said in the most threatening voice.

Russell watched as the bully stormed back in the homestead, possibly looking for Tobey to take it out on. He felt bad for Tobey, she is such a sweet girl and she gets treated badly by her keeper Devin.

Russell turns toward Sammy who was looking down on the ground.

"Thanks a lot, buddy," he said sarcastically.

"If I had known it was Devin, I wouldn't have done it I swear," Sammy said.

"Ah it's okay, the.. twig deserved it," Russell said, "Lets head on over to bed. I need some sleep after the day I have had."

And so they did.

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