Chapter 12

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Russell was fascinated with the mention of a blade. The creature was terrifying to even think about, but he wondered why finding a dead was such a big deal. What it something that was unprecedented? 

"Is this some sort of joke?" Romeo asked, his eyes narrowing.

"No, I am not joking. I wouldn't believe me either. But trust me, I did. A big, nasty one." Dallas said. 

"Definitely hasn't happened before," Russell thought.

"It was a couple miles from here, out near the cliff," Dallas added.
Romeo looked toward the maze then back at Romeo. "Why didn't you bring it with you?"

Dallas chuckled. "Have you been drinking Austin's recipe? That shit weighs probably a good thousand pounds!"

Romeo persisted with the questions. "What did it look like? Did it have metal spikes? Did it move at all? Was it still moist?"

Russell was just filled with questions. Metal spikes? Moist? He literally bit his tongue so he wouldn't ask any questions. He just needed to listen. Not let them remember his presence.

"Chill it, bro," Dallas said. "You gotta see it for yourself. Its weird!"

"Weird?" Romeo looked confused.

"Dude, I am exhausted from swimming all day and a little cold from the breeze hitting my wet body and my fingers are pruney from being in the water for too long," Dallas said.

Romeo looked at his watch. "Alright, I wanna see it tomorrow."

"By the way, where's Austin? I want some of his lasagna," Dallas asked as he walked to the homestead.

Russell had to admit, he was a bit disappointed. Though Dallas seemed like he needed a rest, he wanted to know more about that dead blade. Romeo turned toward Russell surprising him.

"If you know something and you aren't telling me... "

Russell was starting to get irritated, he was tired of being accused of knowing things. 

"Why do you hate me so much?" Russell asked. 

Romeo then rubbed his eyes, obviously annoyed by Russell's comment. "I don't hate you, ever since we arrive in that damn box, it's not about love, it's about surviving. But, you better promise me if you remember something, you tell me." 

Not unless I get one back and I am willing to share. Russell thought. "Okay but-"

"Just promise. You get me?" Romeo said. 

Russell nodded, having no other choice. Romeo walked away saying no other word. With that, Russell went back to the dead heads and found a tree, one of the nicer ones. He sat on the ground and closed his eyes. He wished for a breeze but didn't get one. Soon, Sammy ruined the peace. 

"Russell! Russell!" Sammy exclaimed. 

"What?" Russell said, rubbing his eyes. 

"Robert, he's not dead,"  Sammy said. "He's in the slammer with a bandage over his head!" 

"Are you serious? I thought he was dead from that arrow," Russell said. 

"Well I did too, but it missed his brain," Sammy said. 

Sammy then turned and ran away, probably going to tell someone else the exciting news. It had to be one of the most disturbing things he has ever witnessed in the Glen, Sammy was happy about this news. He was now worried that he was going to be attacked again by the crazed boy. 

  That night, Sandy and Romeo gathered every last Glenner at the East Door about a half hour before it closed, the first traces of twilight's is smeared across the sky. The swimmers had just returned and entered the mysterious Map Room, clanging the iron door shut; Dallas had already gone in earlier. Romeo told the Runners to hurry--he wanted them back out in twenty minutes.  

Everyone was whispering amongst themselves in trepidation on what was going to happen to Robert. Russell said nothing but stand with crossed arms waiting for the show. He stood until the swimmers came out of the homestead, looking exhausted. Dallas was the first one to exit. It made him wonder if Dallas was the keeper of the runners. 

"Bring him out!" Romeo shouted, startling Russell. 

Soon, he saw bigger boys dragging Robert out from the slammer. Robert who still had veins all over him and had a bandage on his head. He also had some odd attachment around his neck, it was a collar. 

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