Chapter 2

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Russell took a minute to look around his new home. He wanted to know where he was and why he was here. Some of the kids giggled at him, and some were poking him.

"Look at the Rosie," a scratchy male voice said; Russell couldn't tell where it came from. "He's gonna break his damn neck working around here."

"Shut up, Devin," A deeper voice said.

He continued to look around. He saw the blonde girl that had greeted him when he got out of the box, her face devoid of expression. And another boy that was heavily muscled and had brown hair was studying him.

"Where am I? Russell asked.

"No where good," this came from the darked-skinned boy.

"Which keeper he gonna get?" A light female voice shouted in the background.

"I told ya girl, he'll be a slopper!"

Russell once again felt an ache of confusion hit him. Twig. Keeper. They popped out of those guys' mouths so naturally it seemed odd for him not to know them.

"Get back to work!" The blonde girl shouted. Everyone obeyed her and did so.

"Seriously, where am I?" Russell asked again.

"The Glen," The dark skinned boy said.

"What are your names?" Russell asked.

"My name's Romeo," the dark skinned boy said.

"And I am Sandy," the blonde girl said.

"We're the leaders if the Glen," Romeo explained. All the sudden, a loud cry came out from the homestead. Russell's blood turned to ice. He was wondering who that was and what was going on.

"Damn it," Romeo groaned. "Can't they handle that boy for ten minutes without them needing my help?"

Romeo started to make his way over to the homestead. Sandy then poked Russell on the arm.

"Find Sammy, she'll be a good fit for ya. Tell her she's in charge if your sleeping arrangements." She then turned around running after Romeo.

Russell stood there for several minutes, feeling too nervous on moving. Group of boys and girls were sitting outside anxious wondering what was going to happen to the kid.

"Hey are you Russell?" Asked a young voice.

Russell was taken out of his gaze to see a young girl around 12 years of age looking at him.

"Yes," he replied. "Are you Sammy?"

Sammy nodded. "I am here to help show you around the Glen and help with your sleeping arrangements."

Russell nodded,"Can you show me around?"

Sammy nodded and started to walk to the homestead. They soon entered.

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