'Are you okay Tae? Maybe we should go back,' I asked worriedly as I placed my hand on his forehead.

He turned his eyes towards me but they immediately went to something past my shoulder and his expression changed to one full of glee. 'Rollercoasterrrr!!!! Letsss gooo!!' He shouted as he pulled my hand, all traces of his sickness gone.

I smacked my forehead and followed his lead as he pushed his way through the crowd, Jimin and Jinyoung trailing behind us. We bought our tickets and went straight for the rollercoaster ride since Tae insisted on it. The other three were looking forward to it but as we drew nearer to the queue, I hung back, hoping that they wouldn't notice. Maybe I was afraid to admit it but I had a slight problem with heights. It was safe to say that I preferred a haunted house over a ride involving high places.

Just as I about to turn around, I felt a hand gently wound around mine. When I looked,it was Jinyoung. 'Aren't you coming?' He asked softly.

'Umm.. well.. I have a .. you know.. slight aversion for heights so.. it's okay you guys go on ahead. I'll wait over here.' I smiled at him,pointing at the benches nearby.

'Come on then. Let's go get some ice cream while those two go on the ride.' He smiled back and took me to the nearby ice cream parlour before I could even object. We found two empty chairs outside the shop where we could easily spot Tae and Jimin when they make their exit. Jinyoung told me to take a seat and he went to buy our desserts so I made myself comfortable while watching Tae wave his cap towards me as he got into the ride. I smiled and waved back. He was even more of a clown than Yugyeom.

I was so engrossed in watching Tae and Jimin as their ride started that I didn't notice the two guys standing next to me. 'Hey there beautiful. What is a fine lady like you doing all alone?' One of them said as he sat on the seat next to me and propped his elbows on the table.

'Yeah. How about you have some fun with us instead pretty lady?' The other guy joined in as he sent me a suggestive look and they both laughed. Before I could give them a piece of my mind, Jinyoung's deep voice cut through their laughter.

'Are you done? Or do I have to call the security to escort you out? Apologise to her before you excuse yourselves,' Jinyoung said coldly as he gave them a look which I think could personally freeze anyone to death.

The two guys gulped as they took in the scary aura Jinyoung was currently emitting and apologised quickly before scurrying away. I turned to him and he already had a warm smile on his face as he placed the bowls of ice cream in front of me. 'I hope they haven't been pestering you for a long time. I should have never left you alone.'

'Nah It's alright. I was just about to kick their asses anyways before you showed up.' I grinned as I dipped my spoon in the blackcurrant flavoured scoop.

He laughed and ruffled my hair as we both ate our ice cream and waited for Tae and Jimin.

A few minutes later, we spotted the both of them running towards us, red faced but happiness clearly written on their faces. 'Riannon! Jinyoung! That was the best ride ever! You missed it! I wanted to go for a second time but this shorty here forbade me to.' Tae exclaimed as he jumped up and down, sticking his tongue out at jimin.

'Your high pitched screams were killing me. Who would want to go for a round two of that?' Jimin retorted while poking Tae in the stomach.

'Nevermind.' Tae mumbled before he continued again, 'Now Let's go finish all the other rides before the sun goes down!!!' He shouted as he ran ahead of us again, making his way to the next ride.

We made our way to the next one which was apparently a horror tunnel. Two people were supposed to go into the boats at a time and somehow I got paired with Taehyung. By the time we reached the end of it, I was left with a sour throat and aching limbs. Not because I was screaming and thrashing around, it was because Taehyung had been choking me half to death wrapping his arms and legs around me into a deathly grip every time any masked ghost appeared at every corner.

A Little Bit Of Normal - Jackson Wang Fanfic [Completed](Got7)Where stories live. Discover now