Chapter 3: Broken heart

Start from the beginning


The forest seemed quiet and peaceful. Suddenly, in the distance, a horse canter rose. A young rider went like a shot in the forest, ordering her horse to speed up. The young woman with braided brown hair was an excellent rider. When she finally arrived at her destination, she dismounted, and found herself at the foot of a dark castle. She approached the front door and knocked, worried. Cora opened the door.

-Mother! What is happening? asked the shaken young woman. "Your messenger brought me your message which was not very reassuring." Her mother looked full of sorrow.

-Regina, I'm sorry my darling, 'she said before letting her in, showing her the terrible news. The girl then saw a man lying on the ground, his chest covered with blood. The blood of the young woman froze at the sight of the lifeless body of her fiancé.

-Daniel! Regina yelled, rushing toward him. Her grief was immense. She felt her heart break. The love of her life, the only man she ever loved was gone, he was gone. She took him in her arms, squeezing him with all her strength. The pain was too strong. She wanted to die, too. Daniel was buried the next day. Regina had stayed with him all night. And now here she was at his grave. Her mother came to comfort her.

-Who could have done such a thing! exclaimed Regina before bursting into tears.

-There is a way of knowing. Cora said. She conjured a crystal ball inside her hands. She focused on the ball, when suddenly, it conjured images of the murder of Daniel. Regina then saw the name of the murderer of her fiancé on the dagger. She fell down on her knees before yelling with all her heart, "I will make him pay one way or another for what he did. I will ruin his happiness as it ruined mine! Rumpelstiltskin I curse you, I curse you!


Belle heard that a knock on her door.

"It's time pretty lady" said a voice on the other side of the door. It was Gaston who came to fetch Belle to her first table service.

-I'll be right here, she replied. Before the first guests arrive, Gaston showed her the various tasks she would have to perform tonight. He was very nice to her. A little too much sometimes, for her taste. At almost every sentence he complimented her. It was almost embarrassing for the young woman. The evening service was quite long and exhausting for Belle. The comings and goings, the dishes not to spill, be polite with customers even if they are not. But she had found a job and a home, and she was proud of it. Once the service over, it was very late and Belle was just finishing cleaning the tables. Gaston came to see her and complimented her once more for her work.

-I'm going outside to smoke a cigarette, would you like to join? he asked with a charming smile.

-I'm sorry, Gaston, but I don't smoke.

-Just at least to get some fresh air, after all the efforts you have made tonight. As he insisted, the young woman agreed, and they both went out outside. The city was deserted at this late hour. Belle leaned against the wall trying to find a topic of conversation.

-You do not smoke? Belle asked seeing that Gaston had neither his pack of cigarettes, nor his lighter.

-I thought we could do something else.

-Uh ... like what? The young woman began to worry. She should not have to accept this little night stroll.

-As you may have noticed, I have feelings for you, Belle, and I know it's mutual.

How could he say it so directly and with such arrogance thought Belle. But what did he have in mind? "He does not dare to think that I'm going to fall for him," thought Belle.

-I'm sorry, Gaston, but I think there's a misunderstanding. You and I, we've only known each other for a couple of hours, and ...

-Those few hours allowed me to discover an exquisite beauty," he said, approaching her.

-Gaston, please, I must go to bed now, she said trying to stop this awkward moment. If he was not her boss, she would already be long gone, but she told herself he was going to stop his foolish thoughts.

-No, stay for a bit.

How dare he thought Belle. He then went up to kiss her. The young woman uttered a cry of amazement, and she pushed him away. But he grabbed her, while she was trying to set herself free. She felt his lips on hers. His breathe smelt of tobacco, she could have vomited. She turned her head, struggling.

-Let me go, you are hurting me! She yelled. But he continued to hold onto her with more violence.

-Stop! Help! she screamed. At that moment, a man walked by the alley where were Belle and Gaston. He was startled by the cries. He stopped. Gaston immediately saw it and dropped the young woman crying. He glanced at the man and went back inside. He was a man of about fifty, wearing a dark suit and a walking stick. He moved toward Belle. Her shoulder-length hair fluttered in the wind. Belle's heart was pounding, she was in shock. She watched the man come closer. She did not know what to do. Should she thank him or run away? Which kind of man was he to make Gaston run away without saying a word, just at his sight? He was close to her. She could not say anything, she was terrified. He then removed his suit jacket.

-Put it on, he said, wrapping the jacket around Belle's shoulders. The pressure she had felt went down suddenly. She was finally able to talk.

-Thank you. She said, looking at the man who understood that this word came right out of her heart.

-I can drive you home if you wish. He said in a quiet tone.

-That is... I was working here, and I was also housed. But it's over. She said sadly.

-Then come with me I'll take you to a place where you will be better than this dump.

He invited her to follow her. Suddenly a noise rose. Gaston had thrown Belle's book out of the window shouting "and do not forget your filthy book", and immediately closed the window.

-My book! exclaimed Belle rushing to get it. She checked that the rose was still in its place, and that the book was not damaged. The man was surprised by the attention she could give to a single book.

-It's good, let's go, said Belle confused to make the man wait. They walked together along the sidewalk without exchanging any words. You could only hear the man's walking stick echoing on the pavement. Suddenly he stopped in front of a small house. Belle looked at the front, where was written "Granny's". The man rang the bell still without say any word. They waited for a few seconds. Light appeared behind the curtains. "Who can that be to awaken us so late, people really do lack nerve! " somebody said behind the door. The man looked up, sketching a half-smile. Belle wondered what would happen next. Suddenly, an old woman opened the door, dressed in a night gown. She began to grumble, but her face completely changed when she saw the man with the walking stick.

-Sir, Mr. Gold, she stammered, surprised.

-Good evening, Granny.

-Uh ... what can I do for you at this late hour? she asked, confused. He then pulled out a dollar from his pocket and gave it to Granny.

-Take care of her, he said. Then he left without saying a word. Granny was troubled and very surprised at this gesture. Then after a moment's reflection, she said to the girl, "Come my child, come in to warm up."

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