Chapter 5

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Chap. 5
I snag my copy of Les Miserables from my bookshelf place it on the coffee table and then head to the pantry for a granola bar. I then swipe myself a Diet Coke from the fridge.

I plop back down on the couch and pull my phone out to browse Twitter while I waited on Grayson. After looking at J.K. Rowling's latest tweet, I hear the front door open and look up to see Grayson with a distressed look on his face.

I frown and stand up from my spot on the couch, "Is everything okay?" I question.

Grayson takes a moment before looking up at me, "I don't really want to talk about it right now. Can we just start on the book please?"

I try and read the expression on his face but it's blank. I nod before answering, "Yeah sure. Do you want a snack or something to drink?" I ask leading him to the kitchen.

"I'll just take some water," Grayson answers following me into the kitchen.

I open the fridge and grab two water bottles tossing one to him. I lead us to the living room and take my seat back on the couch while Grayson looks around at all the family pictures on the wall.

"Who's that?" he asks pointing to a picture of me and Jackson.

"Oh, that's my older brother Jackson. He's a junior in college," I answer pulling my laptop out of my backpack.

"Wow. So, is it just you in a house full of boys?" Grayson questions obviously noticing the lack of pictures with my mom.

"Yeah usually. When my mom's around she's usually the one taking the pictures. She doesn't really like being in them," I comment.

"Is she not usually around?" He kept prying.

"Aren't we just full of questions today," I say with a smirk on his face.

At that Grayson's eyes widen realizing he had started asking personal questions, "I'm so sorry Riley! I didn't mean to pry."

I laugh at his nervousness, "It's okay Grayson I was just messing with you. But to answer your question, my parents are actually both workaholics and they travel a lot so it's usually just me and my brothers."

"Well while you're surrounded by guys, I'm surrounded by girls," He said coming over to sit on the couch next to me.

"Yeah you mentioned your older sister earlier," I point out as he dug through his backpack and pulled out his copy of Les Mis.

"That's McKayla, she just graduated college and is now figuring out adulthood. Then there's my little sister Isabella, she's 7 so there's a pretty big age gap between all of us," Grayson said pulling out his phone showing me pictures of his sisters.

"Isabella is so cute! McKayla also looks very pretty. I'm so jealous. I've always wanted a sister," I comment.

"Well I've always wanted a brother. Maybe we can switch sometime," he suggests with a laugh.

"That would definitely be interesting. Alright so should we get started?" I ask.

"I guess we should," Grayson agreed opening up his book. 

"So, he went through all of this just because he stole a loaf of bread?" Grayson exclaims after we finish discussing the book. 

"Yeah it is kind of ridiculous. But you have to admit, it's still a good story," I say defending one of my favorite musicals.

"I agree it's a great story. I feel awful for Eponine though, she just loved Marius so much," he comments.

"But you can't beat love at first sight," I argue.

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