Chapter 1

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Chap 1.

"Hunter! Hayden! C'mon! We're going to be late!" I shouted up the stairs.

"Take a chill pill! We're coming!" Hayden shouted.

I waited patiently at the bottom of the stairs with my arms crossed and let out a heavy sigh knowing the twins wouldn't be ready for another 5 minutes. Stepping away from the stairs, I took a moment to look at my reflection in the hall mirror. Staring back at me was a pair of glasses that overlooked my hazel eyes. I briefly tucked my brunette hair that reached just below my shoulders behind my ear. I took one last look at my outfit choice for the day. I had chosen a pair of light blue Capri length pants, a plain black t-shirt, an oversized grey sweatshirt with #LOVE written across it in black, and my grey KEDS. Content with my outfit, I grabbed my denim backpack and swung it over my shoulder, snatched the keys to my dark blue Volkswagen Bug of the table, and swiped a banana from the fruit basket. Just as I started peeling my banana, I heard the twins stomping down the stairs.

"Ready!" Hunter shouted with a smile.

"Took you long enough," I said with my mouth full of banana.

"It's only 7:40! Not all of us want to be at school 30 minutes early," Hayden complains.

"Yeah well when you learn how to drive, you can leave on your own time. But since I'm driving you to school we're on my time. Let's go," I responded motioning towards the door.

The twins both snagged an apple from the fruit bucket and followed me out the door as Hunter called shotgun.

I put my keys in the ignition, started up the car, plugged my phone in, and cranked up the radio.

Just stop your crying

It's the sign of the times

Welcome to the final show

"Noooo turn it off!" Hayden objects from the back seat.

"Never!" I laugh turning up the radio even louder.

Hunter joins in with me and we serenade Hayden all the way to school. This is why he's my favorite twin. As I turn into the parking lot of Riverview High and quickly find a parking spot. Hopping out of my car, I grab my backpack and head towards the front of the school with the twins in tow.

"Later Ri," Hunter calls to me as we entered the building and headed off in our separate ways. 

I wave behind my back at them and head towards my locker to meet my friends. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as I'm walking towards my locker and I pull it out to check who texted me. Just as I'm about to unlock my phone my face collides with someone's stomach and I am suddenly pushed to the floor and my glasses are off my face.

"I'm so sorry!" I hear as I quickly register what just happened.

"My fault. I wasn't paying attention," I respond as a hand is stuck out to help me up.

I looked up to see who the owner of the hand was. Staring down at me with an apologetic look on his face was non-other than Grayson Scott.

"No, it's completely my fault," Grayson said as I grabbed his hand while sticking my phone back in my pocket.

"You're um Riley? Right?" He questioned as he bent down to pick up my glasses and handed them to me.

Wait he knows my name?

"Um yeah Riley. Thank you," I say quietly taking back my glasses sliding them on my face.

"No problem. Sorry again for running into you," Grayson says with a smile on his face.

The Girl with the Glasses *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now