Chapter 2

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"Wait so now you're going to be tutoring him?" Skyler questioned when I explained to her and Zoey the conversation I had with Mrs. Fisher.

"Well I have to if I want my recommendation letter," I say to both of them before taking a bite of my pizza.

"So that's a yes," Zoey says pointing her fork at Skyler.

"Yeah now I just have to set up a schedule with him," I said looking over at Grayson who was sitting at a table with some of his friends laughing at something someone just said.

"Well why don't you just run into him again?" Skyler said with a smirk.

"I didn't mean to run into him! Stupid Jackson texted me and I got distracted!" I complained.

Jackson is my older brother who is currently in college and he was the one who decided to text me and caused me to run into Grayson this morning.

"Oh, sure blame it all on Jackson," Zoey said shaking her head at me.

"Okay whatever, can we please please talk about something else besides Grayson?" I asked tired of the subject.

"Fine but don't think we're completely done with the subject. You still have to tutor him eventually so I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a him around more often," Zoey says with a smirk on her face.

"Well what did Jackson have to say then," Skyler asks.

"He was just checking up on me and the twins. He's actually going to be coming home soon for visit," I said with an excited look on my face.

My older brother and I have a great relationship. We used to always fight but what siblings don't? However, with our parents always working, Jackson and I realized that it was up to us to watch the twins and take care of them. We finally stopped arguing and started working together. After Jackson left for college, I was left alone with the twins but thankfully, the twins were older and they could look after themselves for the most part. Jackson being back will be very nice for me. I know that the boys will enjoy having him home too.

"That's awesome Riley! I know how much you miss having Jackson home," Zoey says with a smile.

"Yeah, it'll definitely be nice to have him home for a while," I say finishing off the crust of my pizza.

"We'll have to plan a girls' night since Jackson will be able to watch the twins," Skyler says.

"Definitely! We haven't had a night out in a while," Zoey agrees.

I nodded in agreement just as the 15-minute warning bell goes off. The three of us gathered our trash and bags and headed to our lockers.

"We'll have to plan out details later," I say grabbing the books I needed for my last class of the day. Well two classes but I have choir 6th hour and that obviously doesn't need any books.

"Sure, text you guys later?" Zoey says before walking off with Skyler to their next class.

"Sounds good," I said waving goodbye to all while turning around to head off to my Economics class.

I walked into the classroom just as the five-minute warning bell went off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and my homework from last night out of my back pack before shooting a text to the twins.

Group: H2 + R


Hunter: JACKSON!!!

Hayden: Riley you better not be making this up!

Me: Yes Hunter! Why would I make up Jackson coming home Hayden??

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