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I wasn't minimally interested in Hyeon's private life since it didn't concern me but Jimin?
Maybe I was the last person to have anything to do with him too but I myself didn't know why I was shocked.

It was like, I don't know...

Just then realizing I was putting my nose into something unconventional, I took a step back. And, of course, like in every cliche movie, my foot hit something and something else fell.

Everything went dead silent.
I didn't move an inch and was holding my breath unconsciously.

"Who's there?" Hyeon shouted after a moment of shock. I heard tremor in her voice, her always stable voice. It was fishy.

I didn't answer anything.
Honestly I didn't know if I should've ran or show myself as if nothing happened.

Well, if anything I won't have to keep a secret if I show up now, I told myself while sliding from my hideaway.

Hyeon gasped a little and Jimin had his mouth agape.

"Y-Yu.." he mumbled slowly.

I didn't even spare a look at that guy.

"What are you doing here?" Hyeon's voice came strong and piercing again.

"I was just taking a box-"

"Isn't your turn over?" she backfired without a moment of hesitation.

It was obvious that she was trying to act all fierce to cover up her embarrassment.

Jeez if only she admitted it.

"I'm sorry I'll be leaving now" I bowed turning on my heels.

"Wait" I stopped as she commanded.

"You're fired."

I blindly believed I'd misheard her words when my whole body froze in an invisible icecube.

"What did you say?" I balled my hands in a fist to not hurt anyone.

"You're fired" she accentuated.


"Because I want you to be fired that's why"

"And that's all?"

Between every sentence we exchanged, there was an increasing suspense sharper than a knife.

"Yes" she confirmed and I didn't wait a second more to let those words repeat again.

You're fired?, I replayed the whole scene once again to convince myself about the reality of things.

It wasn't like I didn't like Hyeon, she was impulsive and grumpy at times but that doesn't mean that she's free to exceed certain limits.
And me trying to understand doesn't mean I wasn't mad. In fact, I was furious.
What kind of person has the right to fire a person just because of something so stupid?

I went to pick up some free make up and other stuff which I knew would've made Hyeon angry, because she hated when people took the most expensive products without telling her.

And finally went to pack my things, or the few things I had.

At least once I needed to see the closest person to me before leaving.

"Hayeoniee" I cutely said hugging her tight.

"Oh my gosh what happened you're never like this" she retorted.

"Nothing just see ya later" I saluted as she gave me a weird look.

Of course she wouldn't understand, I didn't let her see that I was taking my things too.

"Yu what took you so lo- what are you doing?" Sungjin asked seeing me almost leaving.

"Ah nothing just ask Hyeon tomorrow. Bye" I waved a super happy smile before leaving that stupid shop definitely.

Never in my life I would've stepped in again, I promised myself.

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