Chapter 13

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Sakura screamed as the seal spread through her body. Her body ached from head to toe, she wanted to be free from this pain. It was excruciatingly painful. The people that surrounded her weren't not even tired. Approximately 12 hours had past since they had increased the chakra in her.
"Speed up, Kagūya's soul awaits." Dan said.
They increased the chakra.
Sasuke cursed as he hastily searched for Sakura.
He had already let her down once he couldn't afford to do it again. Her security was ensured by him to Kakashi and he couldn't protect her. Even now he couldn't find her. He had promised to wipe out the trace of Kagūya but he failed to do.
"Sasuke... I know what you're thinking. Sakura-chan would never blame you for this."
Sasuke glanced at him.
"Sasuke-san.... If Sakura-san hated you she wouldn't have forgive you for what you did in the past. She loved you then and she still loves you." Hinata said.
"She is waiting for you, Sasuke. We have got to save her." Naruto said. "Concentrate again. I'm sure we are near her."
"D-Dan-sama! We need rest. We have been doing this for 14 hours now." Taichi said.
"We can't afford to do that!" Dan yelled.
"If we don't take rest it will take more time." Taichi said.
"Fine. We will continue after two hours of rest!" Dn said, glaring at the preachers.
They got up and left the room, chaining Sakura to the wall.
Sakura gathered her knees and whimpered.
She gave up. She couldn't take it anymore. No one was coming to save her and that was it. She gave her everything and got nothing in return.
Was it the negative chakra or her thoughts she couldn't tell the difference.
Kakashi's office was full of scrolls while he searched for the location.
"There must be something!" Kakashi yelled.
His student whom he loved like a daughter was in danger and he couldn't do anything about it.
"The place where Kagūya last appeared. Maybe the hideout is there." Sai said.
"We made sure no trace of Kagūya was present at that place."
"The tree is still there?"
"The tree isn't there but..."
"There is your answer." Sai said.
Kakashi hurriedly picked out a new scroll and wrote down his findings. There were two possible places of hideout. The place where the tree once stood and the second one was near Akatsuki's hideout; place near sound village.
Naruto and Sasuke tried everything to find her and then came the message from Kakashi.
"The tree and near sound village? We can't search both places we don't have time!" Naruto said.
"They maybe half way through the ritual." Sasuke said.
"Then guess one!"
Sasuke focused with his eye.
"The tree." Naruto said.
They increased their speed.
The area was deserted and a barrier surrounded the place where once the majestic tree stood.
They managed to get through the barrier and searched it hastily.
"That hole looks suspicious." Hinata said.
Naruto walked near it and looked inside.
"I can't see through my sharingan or rinnegan. They must have put up a barrier." Sasuke muttered.
Naruto jumped inside.
"Naruto-kun!" Hinata looked into the hole.
"Oi Sasuke! Hinata! Jump in. I think I found something." Naruto's voice echoed from the hole.
They both jumped in.
"Metal." Sasuke muttered.
"How were they able to create this tunnel?" Hinata asked.
"I searched everywhere for Kagūya's whereabouts, but this, is just ridiculous." Sasuke said as they walked further into the tunnel-like place.
The tunnel ended at two ways.
"Sasuke, you go to the right one while we go to the left one. Whatever we find we come back here and go together." Naruto said.
They split up.
The right tunnel had a dead end. Sasuke ran back but saw another way. He walked into it and it was divided into more paths. He went back to the meet up place. Naruto and Hinata already stood there.
"There are too many paths inside it." Naruto said.
"This means both have too many paths." Sasuke said.
"But we don't have time!" Hinata said.
"Sasuke, use you eye power. Maybe you will be able to find something."
"It's impossible. They have put up a barrier or something, I can't sense chakra here."
"Give it one last try!"
Sasuke focused again, this time with Mangekyō Sharingan. Blood oozed out of his eyes as he focused for signs of chakra. He felt a familiar faint chakra. A really weak one.
"Found her."
"She is weak, really weak."
"T-then we have to hurry!"
"Lead the way, Sasuke!"
Sasuke followed the chakra. They passed through some paths. Until they reached the metal door.
"Great, how do we open this!" Naruto said.
"We have no choice than to break it down."
"Leave it to me then!"
Naruto kicked the metal door open.
The sleeping guards jerked up from sleep and pointed weapons at them.
"We have no time to fight. Sakura-chan needs us!"
"I will take care of them!" Hinata said. She activated her bakūgan. In an instant, the guards slumped on the ground.
"That's my girl!" Naruto screamed.
Her face was as red as a tomato.
They walked further in.
"Sakura is in that room. Take her and leave this place." Sasuke instructed.
"Where are you going?" Naruto asked.
He didn't answer him but walked further into the hallway.
Naruto kicked the door open and ran inside.
"And your hero is here." Taichi said.
Naruto's eyes widened at the state of Sakura. Her arms and legs were bound with chains to the wall like an animal. She looked like a corpse. Her eyes had no life. The sparkle which she had in her eyes was nowhere to be seen. She didn't even glance at him.
"Looks like Sacrifice is not in the mood to talk. Come back later!"
"Hey, I'm here too. Guess what, you can't talk to her until you beat me."
Naruto cracked his knuckles.
The preachers stood up, ready to attack.
"I take care of him, you kill others." Naruto muttered.
"Uchiha Sasuke, so glad you made it here." Dan said as he sat on his mighty chair.
"What is your link with Kagūya?" Sasuke said.
"Straight to the point, I see. Kagūya is my teacher. To her we have to return. This world is nothing but a piece of trash. Kagūya has the best planned out world for us."
"How do I know you're her apprentice?"
"Her wisdom can only be learned by the chosen ones. I am the chosen one. I am her apprentice appointed by her to resurrect her. It was hard to gather the chosen preachers and sacrifice but now that I have found them, I shall resurrect her!"
Sasuke kicked him from behind, he went flying forward to the wall.
"You dare to disrespect me!" Dan yelled. He performed the hand signs. The statues, that surrounded the hall came to life and marched towards Sasuke.
That's when all hell broke lose.
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#winterishere <3

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