Chapter 3

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Sakura woke up two days later. Ino was standing near the window as she set the vase with flowers.
As soon as she saw her waking up, she rushed towards her.
"Are you feeling well, Sakura?" Ino asked, as she examined her head.
"Yeah. What happened?" Sakura said, holding her head.
"You had a panic attack."
"Panic attack?! B-but I never had one before!" Sakura said, sliding off the bed.
Ino stopped her.
"Sakura get back in the bed, you're still not ready to leave." Ino said.
"B-but I want to know how did this happen? This never happens!" Sakura said.
"Its okay. It was just one attack, you will be fine. I promise!" Ino said.
Just then Kakashi walked in with Sasuke behind him.
Sakura's eyes widened with surprise. 
"What is all the commotion about?" Kakashi asked.
"S-sakura wants to get out of bed." Ino said.
Kakashi's eyes softened.
"Sakura, this is your time to rest. I have made someone else your substitute, you can rest assure."
Sakura still kept her eyes on Sasuke. Then turned to Kakashi.
"I just can't believe I had a panic attack." Sakura said, looking at her hands.
"Its alright." Kakashi said.
Sasuke walked and stood in front of her. Sakura raised her head.
"Sasuke-kun, why are you here?" She asked.
Instead of answering her question, he got hold of her right wrist. Sliding the sleeve up he saw that there was a black circle-like seal on it.
Sakura looked at it with wide eyes.
"H-how on earth did I get this?!" Sakura shrieked.
"It was the doing of Taichi." Sasuke said.
"Who is Taichi?" Sakura asked.
"Kaguya's student." Sasuke said, walking away.
Sakura's eyes brimmed with tears as she looked on her arm.
"How do I get this out of my arm, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.
"Don't panic, Sakura. We will use some jutsus too remove this." Kakashi said.
"Like they did with Sasuke when he was young?" Sakura asked.
"Yeah." Kakashi said.
Sakura lowered her eyes at the thought of that jutsu. It made Sasuke scream in pain how would she be able to handle it?
'You're strong now, Sakura! Stop acting fragile! You can deal with any pain!'
Sakura sighed.
Tsunade made sure, during her training, to suffer the pain without passing out. But still it scared Sakura a little bit.
Biting her lip she laid back to bed and stared at the window.
Its been a year since he came back and all he did was look at her arm and go away.
'Well that's Sasuke for you!'
Sakura smiled at the thought and went into deep slumber.
Sasuke intently watched over the hospital from the nearest tree. He was sure that Taichi would come to her. Whatever his purpose was, Sasuke made an oath to put an end to it.
The scrolls that were distributed to specific people were not easy to find. He needed others to help him in it. Glancing for the last at the Sakura's room. He disappeared and reappeared near the Orochimaru's previous hideout where he trained.
"Sasuke!!" Came the Karin's voice immediately as he entered.
"Karin, gather others." Sasuke said, bluntly.
Karin, who stood with dreamy eyes, slumped her shoulders and walked away to call Jūgo and Suigetsu. 
They gathered in a laboratory.
"I need you to find scrolls." Sasuke said.
"What do they look like?" Jūgo asked.
"They must be related to Kagūya as they were originally distributed by Kagūya's student."
"Is he black zetsu?" Karin asked.
"Black Zetsu can't take a form of a human but he can manipulate them." Suigetsu said.
"So we have to find them, just that?" Karin asked.
Sasuke nodded his head.
"Make sure you do it quickly. He can strike again anytime." Sasuke said.
"Aye!" Suigetsu said, saluting.
Sakura lay awake. It was past midnight but she was unable to sleep.
Sighing, she sat up and looked around.
The soft breeze blew from the window. Sakura looked at the window in confusion.
'I thought this window was closed.'
She stared at the window for sometime then shrug it off.
She was about to get up when she sensed presence behind her.
She quickly looked behind her and saw no one. She raised her brows. She turned and let out a sudden squeak when she saw Sai standing in front her.
"Sai! You scared me!" Sakura said, glaring at him.
"Forgive me, Sakura-san. I just thought why not visit you." Said said, smiling at her.
But the smile was not like the one he used to put on. It was a different one.
"You looked troubled. Did something happen?" Sakura said, frowning at him.
"No, nothing happened."
"Tell me. I know you're not okay."
Sai sighed and grabbed a chair to sit near her. 
"I had a fight with Ino." Sai stated.
Sakura looked at him with wide eyes. Knowing Sai, he never fought with anyone. He was the calmest person in the gang.
"Why?" Sakura asked.
"We had a disagreement over something." Sai said.
Sakura gave him a questioning look.
"I-I proposed to her."
Sai smiled at her.
"B-but this is so sudden!"
"I know. I just couldn't wait. I want to get married as soon as possible." Sai said.
Sakura looked at him in disbelief.
"Y-you proposed to her?"
"S-so what's wrong with it?"
"She said no."
"Oh. Did she gave you a reason for her rejection?"
"Yes. She said we are supposed feel the young love then get married." Sai said.
"W-why does she sound like Lee." Sakura muttered.
"And, so, we had fight because I want her to marry me."
"I see."
"So... I came here to ask what should I do?"
Sakura quietened down a little to think and then said:" I think you are rushing things up. I mean we are still young, I agree with her. Maybe you should just go on with it and when the time seems right you propose to her. Because love develops with the passage of time. If you give it time, it strengthens. Patience is a must. Love develops with patience." Sakura said, smiling at him.
Sai smiled back.
"I see. So I should treat her well and take her out on dates and accompany her in missions and spend time with her?"
"Yup! And express your love all the time." Sakura said.
"I will do that. Thank you, Sakura-san." Sai said, bowing at her.
Sakura sweat-dropped.
"A-ahhahaha... what you doing, Sai? Friends don't bow to express gratitude." She said.
Sai gave her a confused look.
"But I read in a book that you should bow to people to say thankyou." He said.
"No need for that."
"Well, I should get going then."
Sai left the room from the window.
Sakura sighed and went back to bed. And chuckled to herself.
"I guess only I'm left single then." Sakura said, looking out at the moon. She saw a shadow from afar and closed her eyes, smiling to herself.
'I guess he still cares for his teammates.'
Make sure to like and comment! Tell me your thoughts about it.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Till next time.

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