Chapter 10

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Sakura looked up at the sky and closed her eyes. She was still staying at his house; her house was still in the process of repairing.
There have been an awkward silence in the house.
Ever since Ino left for the mission, She had nothing to do.
She sighed in frustration as she looked at the sky again.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock. She tensed a little and put up her guard.
"Open up, Sakura!!" Ino's voice came from the door.
She let out her breath and opened the door.
"You scared me, Ino-pig!"
"Such a scaredy cat, aren't you, Forehead?" Ino said.
"Shut up!"
She blushed in embarrassment.
Ino slid the door and walked in.
"Ino!" She ran after her.
"Hmm... So this is how Sasuke-kun's house looks like." Ino said, as she scanned the house.
Sasuke came out of his room and looked at them.
"Oh, Hi, Sasuke-kun! Nice place you got here!" Ino said.
Sasuke nodded his head in acknowledgment.
"I like the wall design and the slides designs." She said.
"Me too, it was re-build so they did good changes." Sasuke said.
"They? It's was Sak— mphh!!"
"Yeah, yeah! They did a pretty good job, ne?" Sakura said, quickly, as she held her hand on Ino's mouth.
Sasuke looked at them, weirdly.
Sakura gave a nervous laugh.
"Let's go, Ino. We have a lot to talk about!" Sakura said.
"Oi, wait!" Ino said.
Sakura dragged her out of the house.
"Why did you stop me from telling him that you designed the house?!" Ino said.
"I-I'm too ashamed to do that!" Sakura said.
"Ashamed? Now where did that badass Sakura go? I think she went badass to timid-ass."
Ino winked at her.
"That's not even a word."
"I don't care."
"So how was your mission?"
"It was good we..."
Taichi and Mui landed near the entrance of the village. They hid behind the trees.
"So, what's the plan?" Taichi asked.
"Kidnap her, of course." Mui said.
"Well, you can't do that. She is one of the strongest shinobis I know."
"I don't care. At least she would put up a fight. It's been a while since I had a big fight anyway."
She cracked her knuckles.
"Very well."
"What does she look like?"
"Pink hair, green eyes and diamond sign on her forehead."
"Come along then, let's find her."
They entered the village and disguised as common villagers.
"I will know her presence through the seal's chakra." Taichi said.
"Lead the way."
Taichi concentrated but nothing happened.
"I think the seal has been removed from her hand." He said.
"I thought your seals were permanent. What a useless piece of shit you are." She said.
Taichi glared at her and concentrated again.
"I feel a weak one, I think it's her, let's go."
They walked near the house.
"This is it?"
"There is that Uchiha in the house."
"One more fight to put up with."
"He is too strong. We must wait for the right time. Until then, I will try to increase the pain on the seal to make her weak." Taichi said.
After half an hour they saw Sasuke leaving the house.
"Now is the time." Taichi said.
"She is going to suspect that we are near." Mui said.
"Well, get ready for a big fight then." 
Mui smirked at this.
He joined hands and muttered some words.
Sakura was carrying a box when a little pain shot up in her arm.
She dropped the box and looked at her arm.
The seal wasn't there but it still hurt a little.
"They are near." She muttered.
Sakura ran to her room and got out her kunais.
"Those Kunais aren't going to work on me."
Sakura jerked up and looked behind her.
Mui grinned at her.
"I heard you are strong. Prove it."
Sakura looked around the house.
She didn't want to ruin his house after all the hard work she had done.
"Let's take this outside then." Sakura said.
"I agree." Mui said.
They disappeared and reappeared in a ground.
"Let's see what you got, Kagyūa's sacrifice."
Sakura gathered chakra in her arm.
"I am no one's sacrifice!"
She threw a punch, Mui blocked the punch but failed to so and fell on her back.
"Heh... This is going to be fun." She said as she wiped the blood off her mouth.
Sakura gathered chakra in her leg and kicked her but she blocked and again and twisted it hard.
"You don't get second chances, dear."
Mui kicked her in her stomach and performed a hand sign.
"Thunder jutsu!"
Sakura screamed in pain as she slumped back. She got up in a instant; heavily breathing.
Taichi stood a little farther away from them and concentrated on her arm. Knowing her strength, he had to place the seal as soon as possible or else Mui was a dead meat.
Sakura looked at her body. She had a vague notion about her weak spots but she wanted to confirm them before hitting them. Her weak spot was only one, her leg. She lumped a little when she walked but she walked in a way that only few people would know about it.
Since Sakura knew about all this she noticed it immediately as Mui threw a punch on her and kicked her with the good leg. If Sakura aimed for the leg she stopped her with her hands.
'I have to think of a strategy.' She thought. 'Shit, she is strong. I have to hit her weak spot. But the question is how? I wish I had Bakūgan. It would've been easy for me. Shit! Why am I thinking about this right now. I have to focus.'
Sakura jumped away from the lightening. She threw kunais but Sakura dodged it.
'An opening!' Her inner screamed.
Sakura, instantly, gathered her chakra and kicked her leg real hard.
Mui screamed in pain and slumped down.
Pain shot up in her arm. Sakura looked at it and saw the seal coming back.
"No, no, no!" She yelled.
The pain shot up again making her jolt up.
'Bear it!'
'Where are you, Sasuke!' 
She couldn't take it anymore and went unconscious.
"Told you she was strong." Taichi said as he caught Sakura.
"Hah! I let my guard down, is all." Mui said as she brushed the dust off her pants.
"Well there is a proverb for it: Pride hath a fall."
"Shut up!"
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