“well!!’’Sean blowss out air. He had no idea if he would be received warmly much less them accepting his gifts..”kikina is fine””

“’okay that would be an extra 1 thousand”’

“’Really?This was just a tactics to get more money out of me right?”’

“”i don’t know what you are talking about,besides,imagine the girl’s face with the new presents.She would be thrilled,really thrilled”’

“’i give it you man,you gat skills,let me have it” Sean says

“”if you insist” the man says hiding a smile,Sean shakes his head smiling

Another twenty minutes he is parked infront of their house,it is mid afternoon.He gets out of the car,walks up to their door and rings the bell.

Bracing himself for the worst.


“’I wonder who is there,are you expecting more guests?”’Megan calls from the kitchen

‘’No,everyone is here,but i’ll open the door and check”’ Tonia says getting up and dropping the tray of large pies Megan had given her from the oven.

They were having a day with some of their friends from the book club she and Megan signed up with, they meet once every month on a Saturday and each person gets to host,Megan was hosting this saturday while everyone comes with something. Megan was baking pastries and cake,Tonia brought drinks and another brought casseroles,pasta etc. They were almost twenty in Megan’s not so big apartment,but they had shifted the table and adjusted the chairs to accommodate everyone. They read,they joked,they played cards and monopoly and they talked about books.

Tonia wonders who is at the door knowing everyone is accounted for,she sees Kikina jumping and clapping when one of the ladies got her answer,they both high-fived as Kiki squeals in delight,Tonia is laughing as she turns to open the door,her jaw drops to the ground.

“’Oh my God Sean O’çonner!!!”’ she chokes

Sean raises up his head when the door opens expecting to see Megan but he sees someone else instead and she happens to know who he is..
Strange! And he doesn’t know her either.

“’I am sorry, do i know you and how do you know my name?’’ he says puzzled,he looks around, this was the house and the number that Teacher Divine gave him,but who was this lady and how come she knows him,something wasn’t adding up.. he frowns..”’how did you know my name?”’

Tonia swallows “’i- i erm”” she stutters

“’Uncle!!!!!!!”’ Kiki squeals jumping from the chair and rushing to the door, she is grinning from ear to ear and she is breathing hard from jumping  ’’ Did you bring the flowers,is that for mummy?”she asks dropping her voice as though trying to whisper and pointing to the bag he held

Sean smiles when he sees her,he bends to her level, he is nodding
“’hmmhum! White lilies,just like you told me and something else,do you think she would forgive me for being...bad to her?’’ he asks

Kiki bends her head to the side as though thinking,folds one hand to her side and then taps her small jaw with her index finger with another hand..”’Well if you apologise from the heart and show her you are really sorry,she will.Mummy forgives me alot when i am bad when i am trully sorry and i tell her i won’t do it again, i promise too”’ she says..”’oh,what are those?’’ she points to the others in the bag“’doesn’t look like just white lilies”’

“’well,they are-“’

“’Tonia,Kiki,who is at the door?”’ Megan calls coming out of the kitchen with the last tray of samosa

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