"We're here," Riley said a few minutes later, making me snap out of my thoughts.

We both got out of his car and walked toward the entrance of the small bistro. It was cute and looked family owned. I walked to the front door and opened it for myself. Apparently his gentlemanly gestures were over, because he walked in before me without even saying thank you for holding the door. I walked in, and I audibly gasped.

This was the kind of place I could spend hours in. The whole place had books from floor to ceiling. They had little sliding ladders that led you to the top if you needed a book from there. There were small wooden tables along with black comfy booths in the middle of the store. People were sitting around whispering with friends, reading, and studying. I absolutely loved to read, and by the look of it the place had plenty books. I made a mental note to come back to this place by myself, so I could read in peace.

"Wow, this place is really cute," I said looking over to Riley.

He chuckled and said, "I guess. I just really like the hot chocolate."

I guess he doesn't like to read I thought to myself. Although, he didn't strike me as the type that did, so I wasn't very surprised. He seemed more like a party boy. That didn't bother me because I wanted to be invited to parties. Maybe Riley would be the key to some invitations. We began to wait in a short line to order. The wait wasn't long and soon I found myself face to face with an elderly woman. Her gray hair was put up in a sloppy bun kept together by a pencil. Her eyes were shining bright, and she looked full of life.

"What would you like Sugar?" she asked smiling.

"She'd like a hot chocolate. So would I," Riley said stepping in front of me.

I started to get kind of angry. I was perfectly capable of ordering for myself, but he seemed to think he had to do that for me. The woman taking my order peered around Riley looking slightly annoyed.

"Honey, is that what you want?" she asked me looking pointedly at Riley.

"Yes ma'am thank you," I said smiling weekly.

Riley wasn't turning out exactly like I thought he would when I first met him. I sighed and started walking away.

Riley grabbed my hand, "Dammit,Sweetheart, I'm sorry I forgot my wallet at Hollows, will you buy? I promise to pay you back," he said.

Something about the story didn't seem to add up. He was in the Italian restaurant, so how was he expecting to pay there?

"Why were you at the Italian restaurant if you didn't have money?" I asked suspiciously.

He turned slightly red, "I just remembered I didn't have it."

"Okay, sure, I'll pay," I said not quite believing his story.

Riley smiled then turned to go pick up the hot chocolates at the other side of the bar where they were served. I sighed pulling my wallet out of my purse. The woman that I ordered from had watched the whole exchange. Her eyebrows were furrowed in as I walked up to pay her.

"Honey, don't you worry about paying. It's on me. That's some guy you got there," she said sarcastically.

"Yes ma'am he sure is something," I said rolling my eyes slightly.

She broke into a smile and laughed making her look younger.

"Jaiden, baby, you coming? I got baseball practice we need to get going," Riley said loudly from the other side of the coffee shop.

He completely disturbed everyone trying to read and study quietly. My face turned red with embarrassment at his ignorance. The woman huffed in annoyance, and I turned giving her an apologetic look. She gave me one back, as if apologizing I had to be with Riley. I was relieved he had practice, and I could go back home. I was getting annoyed with Riley. I walked quickly over to him, to avoid him screaming again.

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